BG forums lounge (Part 1)

We don’t play them, they can q snipe all they want. People don’t want to be in the same area as they are. That’s the best way to be rid of them, refuse to engage.

I also need to point out to the rest of you that warzug is Ruthless, for all the premade this and premade that, he leads them just as I do.


I can’t keep track of all the alts.

anyone else a big fan of queueing on their horde character and then suddenly 80% of their team abandons when the game starts

tell the 5v40 about your “sportsmanship” friend

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To be fair, this behavior exists on both sides. I have seen an entire Alliance premade /afk an AV before the gate even opened.

Yeah, you aren’t worth getting banned for saying mild things to. It’s shocking how mild the things I have said have gotten me one month silences for due to those you queue with.

this is not very sportsmanlike

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It’s clear that the real issue lies within a certain comm, and shifting the blame like you’re doing now is a classic case of gaslighting. Why am I not surprised?

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I’m saying anything I say gets flagged. Pretty simple.

yea i don’t think you know what that means.

just funny how “certain comms” react to being called hypocritical :slightly_smiling_face:

you’ve said a lot without getting flagged recently

Anyways, lets not clutter this thread with kids exploiting to get a premade in 40 mans.


Won 2 ashran last night through massive comeback. Just goes to show that some people do read chat.

For The Horde!


Tired of winter now, its going to be march next week and I am still faced with -c temperatures. only on2 +10c day next week follwoed by -c again :confused:

Must be why Arathi Blizzard was canceled. Got to let you pretend to be warm in the other BGs.

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Anyone watching live action atla?

I’ve seen some very negative feedback on Twitter.

I don’t want to ruin my memories of the show.

Let us know if it’s good.

Oh ya? Where do you live? It’s been like 50-60 degrees around here in Colorado most days recently and the forecast calls for even more 50-65 degree days into the next week

Thank goodness to be honest… I hate getting up early before my morning commute to scrape off ice and snow off my car - that’s no fun obviously :-1:

Ottawa in canada land. I also hate having to shovel around my workplaces compactor and other machines its cold and unfun.

Also tired of the ‘cold’ ( it’s all relative ) here, it’s been 20s when I wake up with a high in the low 40s/50s (F) for like the last month. I just want it to warm up a little to take the motorcycle out -_-

You should be fine so long as you’re above freezing.

what on earth?