somebodys account was just unbanned and is mass reporting anybody associated with BSG lol, ive had multiple posts removed for “inapproriate username”, same thing with other people.
weirdos man smh.
somebodys account was just unbanned and is mass reporting anybody associated with BSG lol, ive had multiple posts removed for “inapproriate username”, same thing with other people.
weirdos man smh.
Most of the groups i’ve know to have abused it have left retail for Classic. Still see a premade here or there spam toys during initial fight to create lag and maximize their chance to win.
doesnt that lag also effect them though?
i guess maybe if you dont put your graphics settings to the lowest then it would effect both equally, then again its also epic battlegrounds, im certain the toys would have less effect than like a mage or lock cleaving.
Most people don’t adjust their graphics, so they would lower their’s down to minimal and it wouldn’t affect them as badly as the enemy team as the opponents wouldn’t expect someone to spam toys mid fight.
Ok so… who was playing the match/actually doing the work then?? I know I didn’t do anything, I was basically reduced to being afk like 80% of the match due to the insane/unplayable lag
Something “doesn’t seem quite right”, if both teams were lagged out/barely playable… then how exactly did any objectives get taken/how did we win?
What a weird match. I blame OCE players for that mess - can’t be a coincidence that in the chatbox all the OCE/Australia players seemed awfully quiet I notice all the complaining pugs in the chat were America servers next to their name
Most likely some OCE/Australia players - or a group of them - somehow “phased” the majority of America/NA players into their laggy-as-hell “shard” or something
The two Aussies we had in that game said it was not an Oce shard. I heard someone else mention S American shards. I could play still, it just took forever to loot all yer bolognas
Yeah, I catch it in epics off and on. I tend to only do them for the daily to avoid the guys exploiting to run premades though, kinda takes the fun out of 'em.
Edit: Oh look, first queue in an epic for the night.
Lol, I was just in that one - same players and everything. Just got out about 20 mins ago
I know it was the same one because the premade leader was calling “kos Wower” earlier in the match, and “Wower” is clearly shown in that screenshot
Well, he is a pain in the butt to get out of a tower if we let him get in one. We had a small crew tonight. Lots of good matches.
I left early, pretty rare I take a deserter but I have zero desire to play with a bunch of scumbags.
Yeah, even when I am on the side of the premade just aoeing down gy’s is boring. I only really do them for the daily as well lol.
For any WC3 players, these guys made a S tier custom campaign that makes reforged worth the purchase.
So tonight I was in a random Wintergrasp, then out of nowhere I get one of those automated mass-recruitment whispers from a “PvP focused” guild called… “Deserter Debuff”
Caught a glance of it, then I looked at it again/did a double-take because I just couldn’t believe it
Then I thought to myself how ironic it is that I was in a Wintergrasp match and a random guild-invite from “Deserter Debuff” suddenly appears… just the sheer coincidence of it almost gave me a chuckle
So this actually happened tonight…
There is some aggressive queue-dropping going on tonight, my goodness
When a match literally starts 3/40 players that’s clearly some sort of “full” premade doing a big queue-drop or similar in the background. Same thing for that Wintergrasp that began @ 16/40 when the starting gate opened
All of the Horde communities now scout. So the unmentionables wait until the last second to enter. We don’t mind fighting RR, but my folks won’t play with the unmentionables.
ya I’m gonna throw up
Wouldn’t it be noticeable to the scout that the other team is missing 30+ players?
Not gonna lie when I saw the 3 Alliance players on the scoreboard I was thinking it would be a “free win”… then all of a sudden a partial premade exits hyperspace and it was a big “whomp whomp whomp” buzzkill feeling
Even though they suddenly filled up to 37/40 players from 3/40, I noticed the Horde team was still “hanging” at 32/40 and struggling to fill up for some reason
I decided to afk out and just call it a night lol… prime-time yesterday looked fairly obvious like both sides were somehow jockeying or “dodging” each other. Pretty obvious there was simultaneous premade-queuing happening
It’s very noticeable some shenanigans are afoot when multiple epic BG matches have issues filling up/large chunks of the team(s) are mysteriously missing (…such as the enemy team only having “3 players” in a 40-man epic battleground)
Yes, it’s very obvious. That’s how much the unmentionables are disliked.