BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Does my profile pic look like a clown? because I really want it to look like a clown.



Happy Valentine’s Day!


I have never had a partner on v-day and tbh I think thats ok. How was everyones v-day?

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I Drink Alone (

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I find peeps to be too difficult to figure out, so I walk alone

I dont drink alcohol though.

This is my irl friends favorite song, he plays it every time we go on road trips and stuff lol.

Not sure if I am being assaulted for me gf/bfless v-day.

I watched the actual Green Day video, and in it he is walking with his bandmates! It’s all lies!

And oh yeah, no alcohol for me either. We don’t get along so well lol.


Its such a hassle, it tastes bad costs money and makes ppl do stupid things when done in excess. I use to drink in highschool which was like 14 years ago lol.

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it really depends on the person, everything I’ve done, I woulda done sober albeit with much less B-movie quality acting

Lotta people just willingly do stupid stuff and blame the devil’s nectar

but yea that stuff is no good, very easy to get an unhealthy relationship with it

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you know how many years I had to suffer through Alliance pvp before we finally “got good”? Well I had a little help from Crown Royal, lol.

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I didnt do anything particularly stupid other than damage myself and have to visit the hospital a few times. I can drink occasionally now but always feel I’m flirting with a whirlpool looking to drag me back in, so I basically don’t.

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I was always a solo queue peep and most of my early PvP days were spent being chased and mocked by Hydra, both in game and in the forums.

“Have you paid your dues?”
“Yes, sir, the check is in the mail.”

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So last night I randomly ended up in a Torturekilla premade AV match, but as soon as the match started I noticed a huge lag spike that basically stayed for the rest of the match
 could barely even play my character :man_facepalming:

I noticed other pugs also making comments about the lag/ms spikes in the chat, but at the same time we were still winning so I assume either a) “just enough” of the team was not lagging or b) the Ally team was also playing lagged out. I saw a pug in the chat mention his lag/world ms was like 26000+ :flushed: - I totally believe it though since every button I pressed seemed to take about 10-12 seconds to actually go off (totally unplayable)

Anyways, I mention this to highlight just how OP premade vs pug is
 even when like half your team is “character unplayable” lagged out/not even contributing you apparently still win :joy::rofl:

The lag was sooooo bad that when the “Horde wins!” message appeared down in the chatbox it still took my game client a good 2-3 minutes before I could even exit the match (my goodness! :snail:)

Surprisingly I somehow didn’t die (???) despite literally being lagged out/not able to fight back the whole game, showing yet again how OP it is to be playing with a premade (healers are on-point, people watch your back, etc)

We were lagging too. Cyrae had some crazy lag. And yall had 12 healers one game too. :wink:

If they’re anything like the old Ruin Gaming gang, they used to spam toys and crap to cause intentional lag. They’re all turds anyways though.


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agreed eil agreed 100

I see some premades still spamming rockets and toys during a massive team fight to create lag. But I don’t think DJL is one of them, i’ve solo queued against them a bunch and I typically don’t experience any lag.

Yesterday my world MS was at 500 in ashran and wintergrasp

As much as I like to poop talk av premaders sometimes its just blizzard servers being bad lol.


i only know of one person who does this and its usually only at the very start of the BG.