BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Where I live we’re known for rain. I have had one small snowfall that lasted a day and that was quite a while ago. We have yet to reach below zero but should get some arctic wind late next week. Only minor flurries for snow though is what they are predicting.

Edit: And that’s your battleground forum Lower Mainland BC weather forecast for tonight. Back to you, Chris!

I refuse to believe you do anything but sit on a bench in Dalaran.

Dalaran has nice benches i recommend them.

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Might get forum suspended for a bit for making fun of blood dks.


well i was right, the dang snow melted after a glorious evening of freezing rain. what a waste!

Those DKs…


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We’ve got about 5 inches of snow as of now. It’s supposed to snow for another four hours.

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Winter has finally arrived in Canada. But only in the east of course, haha.

The many times I’ve visited Calgary AB during the winter, it never seemed like they got deep snow.

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Yeah finally got some snow in ottawa yesterday, took a nice long walk early morning it was super nice.

wisconsin got a inch of snow then it melted about a hour later lol, i just wanna frolic in it yk.

We only got 4 inches of snow, forecast said 8 to 12. I hate snow, so I was happy.

SE Michigan, weather is claiming 3-5 tomorrow morning. People at work were all in a tizzy over it. But I’m not convinced.

…are you my twin brother or something?

Earlier today (think 6-8 AMish) about ~1-2 inches sprinkled down in Denver metro area - actually created some rather slick roads during my morning drive, had some iffy moments sliding around/drifting a little bit on turns :grimacing:

…spoiler: by around 10 AM-12 PM it had all completely melted and roads were “bone dry” again :rofl::rofl:

Reminds me of this huge snowstorm we had in Ottawa like 2 years ago, everyone was allowed to go home after only being at work for an hour or two. I stayed to get some work done that we had been falling behind on.

Left early myself but only by an hour or so. Left the building only for my bus to be stuck n the middle of the nearby intersection so I put my safety goggles on( was snowing hard enough I had trouble seeing) and just walked home.

The pros of working within walking distance.

Whoops posted on my 20 rogue Its actually me toskosa.

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Haven’t been to Calgary in almost 40 years but basically anywhere in Canada gets better dumps than Raincouver.

Well we are supposed to get 9-14 inches tommorrow. So i guess we can both frolic in the snow with the shovels and the salt.

i sure hope so haha.

Vote for your DF season 4 tier sets:

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Oh no it’s been so long since I logged into retail my avatar has been banished to the shadow realm.

Edit. Weird. It’s just a shadow in my drop down but it works fine when I post.

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