BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Not a lot of snow here in ottawa either tbh i am a little surprised. its only -8c atm.

Thats because I am a special snowflake so ppl don’t ever report me.

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Freedom units please


That’d be about 20 in ‘MURICAN.

Edit. 17.6. I actually calculated it instead of just guessing.

It’s 36 here (2 for my more northern friendos). I live in Michigan but am actually more comfortable using Celsius since I have to use SI units at my job, so I’m just more used to it.

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Canadian, sometimes I forget the USA doesn’t use Celsius.

Ty tsataga.

Nice, a good day to go winter camping if the wind isn’t too strong.


i have been starting fires in my fireplace for weeks trying to summon the snow.
it finally worked last night. it’s snowing now! i don’t think it’s going to stick. i miss my pre-climate crisis constant winter blizzards. :poop: :bowl_with_spoon: :spoon:


wait guys the flakes are getting chonkier. is it happening???

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hey holycow i see u. i just posted a pound cake would you come over for some?

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Yeah, both our ski mountains only just recently opened when they normally open in November. :rofl:

Omg… Those cinnamon rolls too!


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No snow here

my pee smelled like cinnamon for days!!

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Needs more water, haha.

naw it’s just the type of cinnamon i use (vietnamese) - high essential oil %.
it’s one of those things that when consumed in large amounts will affect the odors of your pp, much like asparagus is known to do.

I understand the concept. I take fenugreek sometimes and the smell is maple syrup, lol.

weird overlap but to me the awful product Mold & Mildew (or something, like for bathroom mildew) smells like maple syrup. it’s so good. but you’re not supposed to inhale it! :rage:

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Hasn’t started here yet.

Rain all day here, just a little too far south for snow. Am a little sad.

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Too far south? Ha! I live in the Great White North and we still haven’t seen it!

To be honest it seems there’s been more of that “seeps in thru clothes into the bones” coldish air rather than snow this winter

“Actual” snow where you get a decent 5-6+ inches in one night and it sticks around for at least a week has been a nothingburger/missing-in-action so far

So far just seen a few spread-out days with very light 2-3 inches of snow (which melts after a few days), pretty tame so far… most days seem sunny, just with that “seeps into the bones” cold air - but the snow has been mostly absent this year