BG forums lounge (Part 1)

The forum can be a bit buggy. For a while, my forum avatar was a red ghost.

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i want to be a red ghost.


Looks like the “Premades in Random BGs” thread just got nuked for talking about the you-know-what :roll_eyes:

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and not people acting like manchildren fr

Is no thread safe?



@Bepples i want to thank you for all that you do in fighting with us for a good cause vs “THAT PREMADE”. Thank you for being another one of us who is not afraid to stand our ground against their nonsense. I salute you brother :saluting_face:

nope not with them trying to do damage control since the vid went up.

ur cute when u grovel

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Just wait til the next time the forums “crash” or “glitch out”, then you’ll progress past the “ghosted silhouette” icon to the generic-looking WoW icon like me :joy:

From what I remember the forums login server “glitched out” a while back and lots of people couldn’t log in for some hours. When it finally came back and I logged in, it turned the avatar into this “generic looking” WoW icon

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Anyone here going to play d3 season 30? I finished ranked 50 last season in the solo self found no set leadboards with a manald heal wizard build.

Enjoying the snow?

HAHA, i am yes

With the arctic air that came in last night, it currently feels like it’s -16 degrees celsius. I took a vacation day, lol.

My local forecast calls for a couple days of -4 to -6 degree days coming up over the weekend… oh goodie :man_facepalming::-1:

Think I’m just gonna hunker down and stay inside all weekend, probably won’t even go outside for fast food lol

I stopped by and grabbed what I needed from the market for the week. Wasn’t much, I did a big meat haul in Dec so the freezer is full.

The only other thing I’m leaving for is the Red Wings game tomorrow

I grocery shopped several times this week just to hoard for the weekend, lol. But the plan to not leave the house today didn’t work because I noticed this morning that the septic was backing up. Can’t let that stuff go, so it was off to Canadian Tire to get some main line opener. :upside_down_face:

Same, supposed to b a winter storm here so I figured i’ll just hang inside and play video games. Only around -5 though which isn’t too bad so maybe if I get bored enough i’ll go for a walk or something.

At least this storm was heavy enough to get me off of work today. At some points all I could see was White outside.

We just have high winds right now. Later tonight comes the heavy rain to wash away the last of the snow. I love the rain. :slight_smile:

Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains (