BG forums lounge (Part 1)

For real…

Hopefully one of them starts a fresh thread so all this he-said-she-said stuff moves/continues over there so this place doesn’t get 404’ed

This thread has always been fairly chill/off-topic, it would be a shame if all that drama “spilling over” into this thread caused it to suddenly go poof :flushed:


it would probably just get reported and closed.

yet you are the only one who can not not respond with spam pictures or defending them lol idk lol

they do not need to when you do so for them its sad lol

Wait what went down 6 months ago

wait a second

are you thaedru LMAO

I’ve kicked 3 people from the discord

Battlemaster, Thaedru and Torture

Battlemaster: pretty much just started fights with everyone and I didn’t want to deal with the drama anymore

Thaedreu: I was tired of carrying in bgs if he’s just gonna light up the politics channel with nonesense → also kept asking for carries which is annoying for everyone

Torture: I don’t want torture posting conversations we have around, and they seem like they’re cool with it

At the end of the day it’s not really a community it’s more of a club. Sorry we don’t want you in our treehouse

you two go make your own thread about it do not get this thread 404d

I’m genuinely just so confused on who this is man

I’m petty too, I remember people. I hold grudges, I own that.

I seriously have no idea who this person is LOL

404 my brain pls


Wait I remember who you are

Holy crap

You’re that person that wanted to come play with us, had a mental breakdown when I let you die, removed me, messaged me on your alt toons pretending to be your mom asking what I did to you, and then when I was like “Yo I just wanna play the game LOL” you got REALLY weird and it was just me spam ignoring every alt you had.

God bless

I can’t believe I remembered that. What a crazy night of bgs

If that’s what u want to think, sure.
If you want the actual what happened and not some of your pish posh rumors like you spread, sure, I’ll indulge in a conversation with you. Until then laterssssss

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We got a new coffee machine at work, and the French vanilla expresso is really really good, and only 41 calories so I can keep my svelte figure.


Hot girl bod approved tbh

It was the second greatest bg forum thread of all time


RIP thread


That thread really brought lots of folks to this forum, consistently.
A thread that popular and liked! should just get cleaned up and restored on discourse.
I am sure they are aware of the propagation that happened there, the human eye was even enough.

I’m going to call you Cletus

Ill add you when I log onto my maina ccount, got a little distracted gearing a 20 for a speed running tourny.

Just a quick bnet drop for anyone that would like to play with me.

I can paly alliance or horde but my horde mage has like no gear atm lol and my hunter is ranged only surv because I am special.

Sort of yeah, you can see it in every section of the forums like gd has its cliques as well. I know I try to keep the lounge as care free as possible though, its the one place I dont insult ppl.

Guys keep the av drama off the lounge thread lol go make your own thread for this tom foolerly


that what i say but then they report my post jajajajaja

It’s snowing like crazy by me. Really need coffee - that’s all =)

Where I live, we’re still waiting for winter! Not that I want it, lol.

Same here. A friend normally goes to the UP during Christmas time for snowmobiling, but there’s no snow in the mitten currently.

Supposedly this week.

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