BG forums lounge (Part 1)

poggers im so excited esp for the new druid forms !

Kinda felt the same when I peeped the wowhead front-page earlier

Still no new BG? :yawning_face::zzz:

You know blizz doesnt care about our minigame

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Coming up in February 2024 it will have been ~6 years since new casual BG content was added to the game

Technically the ā€œrecycledā€ maps like Wintergrasp and Ashran that got added in BFA donā€™t really count since those maps already existed beforehand

New means new, and thereā€™s been no new BG map since 2018ā€¦ at this point itā€™s getting kinda concerning boys :flushed:

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PVEā€™rs get new content every patch, They get the best looking gear, most of which (especially of late) is better than pvp gear in pvp, PvEā€™ers lose their mind if they have to pvp to pve, but weā€™re all but expected to PVE every time something remotely strong comes out.
Our balance updates are 2nd fiddle
Our content updates are broken fiddle.
weā€™re not even the arena players, so we get even less love
Weā€™re playing a minigame in a minigame. Blizzard could not care less we exist.


Yup, and ā€œratedā€ PvPā€™ers get multiple arena maps per expansion + plenty of dev attention (if any glitches or imbalances pop up) - but basically 0 dev attention goes towards casual PvP. Sadge :cry:

The sad part is, we dont have to be the casual content, we sure as hell werenā€™t when the game first came out. BGs used to be where the sweatlords lived.

Blizzard tried turning this game into and esport and everyone fell for it. Its so far gone people genuinely believe the game cant be balanced around battlegrounds, despite people absolutely loving classic pvp :eyes:

Blizzard doesnt care to fix it, and the players are too used to normal to care about anything other than Arenas or PVE

Tired but happy. Lots of sick calls at work so I had to work harder then normal lol.

Tbf the last bg added was the azerite one and it is pretty crappy, we only need wsg tp and arathi basin.

Yā€™all know weā€™re getting a new solo-q rated BG in 3 weeks right?

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Meh, somehow I donā€™t really care since itā€™s just more rated stuff (ā€¦already gets plenty of content/dev attention)

A new BG or even just some (any??) tidbit of ā€œbreadcrumbā€ news for the casual PvP side of things would get me more hyped/excited tbh

Well the BG in Blitz play differently, new powers and mount speed. It will look the same but taste different.


Before BGB becomes its own rated version it will be perfect for the random bg itch since it will limit how many people can premade.

Thereā€™s no reason this new mode canā€™t be for the ā€œcasualā€ pvp side of things. Iā€™m sure many will abandon regular randoms.

you mean the brawl? that isnt going to be rated until the season after next at minimum, and then even then, its just going to be WSG EOTS and AB.

Thats not new content, thats a bow on the turd we have.

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Also ToK and DWG. Everything except Seething Shores.

Youā€™re right the rated version will come later, but this will act like it and provide conquest. In PTR there was a rating attached to it.

Itā€™s a pretty bow.


Thats all fine an dandy, But giving us conquest, for doing what weā€™re doing now, is not new content, which is what we weā€™re complaining about.

I believe there will be rating for the brawl phase but it wonā€™t count for anything per se.

So is it a brand new bg? or just a ranked solo que for bgs?

honestly I enjoy playing with friends but sometimes a nice solo only bg would be welcome, I am kinda hoping this keep blitz as a non rated and rated version in the future.

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It is rated as in rating will be tied to it. The better you get the stronger your opponents will be.

Late season will blow with multi glad smurfing the lower brackets.

There are several articles that explain how it will work.