Maybe, I know back in BFA ion (…he plays a certain Resto Shaman ingame) got “caught red-handed” making a hotfix to last boss in Underrot on Explosives week - but only AFTER it affected him personally
I remember reddit detectives kept an eye on his raiderio profile page and they noticed his group had a few depleted/failed Underrot runs back to back in one particular Explosive week (Tyrannical too, so bosses lived longer). For context, the last boss used to be absolutely brutal pre-hotfix when the little grey spores could spawn Explosives… the situation could quickly spiral out of control when 15-20+ Explosive orbs filled the room (…with each individual one capable of chunking the party for like 40% health)
Then that upcoming Tuesday “magically” a hotfix gets rolled out that nerfed the boss, despite regular/everyday players having already been complaining about it for like a year
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I will get a hose I swear to god.
Also good fix on the warlock rift that stuff was hilarious but needed to be fixed.
If a warlock ports you and you don’t move for 20 seconds you get ported back to where you were. It really needs to be shortened to maybe 7 seconds or so. No one should be able to move large groups to a stuck location for that long.
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You will do no such thing. >:|
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Ayy! leave the dehydrated people like me alone please
Nah, no way it’s 20 seconds
I think I was up there for 5-7 seconds and then got teleported down
oh that explains why you want to vinify me
I’ve made it quite clear why i have my opinions. Feel free to elaborate though
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you misunderstand, vinify is the process of making wine from something
I misread vinify as vilify
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I dont think twice processed grapes will taste that great in a wine.
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Take elf
Fill elf with grape juice.
Now have grape elf.
Take grape elf,
turn into wine (idk how but i imagine it has to do with more grapes and or *redacted to avoid blizz bans)
now have twice processed grape elf wine. I suppose it could work with raisin elfs as well
qimmy got a lil jealous i guess
Not sure if it works everywhere but I was stuck in a fireplace in AV under SHGY and used this and i popped right out of the glitch. Set of Matches - Item - World of Warcraft (
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The second picture robes I cant remember the name I have a set in my bank but its soulbound ( because xmog reasons) Glad they are all coming back though I hated they were removed.
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