BG forums lounge (Part 1)

It happened in this thread, and it happened in another thread. I’ve since replied to both on this character with 0 issue. I’ve also posted on another alt with no issue. It’s only happening to my Demon hunter, with the pg13 name

Does Anvilmar have a bad rap or something?

not that i know of, It was more of a, “Hey dont hate on me cause im on moon guard now, im from the same place youre at!” kinda thing

I don’t know if Anvilmar is empty (or emptyish) or not. I don’t really play with other peeps. My guild has been defunct for a long time.

I just level by myself, don’t do dungeons, and mostly stay out of chat. Don’t know who the big guilds are, don’t care.

As you can see, I’m not really a people peep. SPM is an anomaly, and even now, with offers of help from them to help me level, I decline and just do my own thing mostly.

I know when i left it it was headed that way, but that was ages ago, before server mergers and sharding or whatever now. I just know demon soul has no one, talk in trade get no response, the only people you see are from other servers (sargeras is a common one)

Well, don’t look at me. I already get enough grief from a few forum posters who think I’m single-handedly removing their threads/posts using the powers of my alts combined, like some sort of forum-erasing Captain Azeroth.

It might just be a forum bug. If your name was an issue, they’d probably force a name change on you.

Aren’t you the official mascot or figurehead?

SPM was formed to avenge you.

They’re basically Mistwidget’s Avengers.

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Too late, im starin hard.

Want me to beat em up?

I believe you have that power, believe in the me that believes in you.

Im hoping so, surely theyd atleast tell me if they were deleting my posts yea?

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No, I was just the starting point, and even that was not of my own doing. Mizriz was the first to organize a resistance to Hydra based on how they would thump their chests on the forums about chasing me and killing me as a solo queuer.

The Stormpike Militia has taken on a life of its own far beyond my little contribution.

And I have already been avenged.

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I’ll get blamed for that too!

Maybe they’re revenging now.

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You could ask Coquette.

I’m not asking that!

You ask!

“Let’s get Mikey!”

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im still alive im just so busy with the invasions in mk1 its so much fun but LOL THIS POOR BIRB :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_sweat: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

i also did a brutality idk existed ;ooo

I wanted to share this BG I backfilled in yesterday. It was very fun.

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Blizzard has no isssue with the way you used your glider to get to what basically makes you untouchable there? (in the beginning of the vod)

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Not that I’m aware of. It’s not like I’m glitching invisible walls. I’ve seen players get on top of the giant tower in the middle somehow. But this one I think is fair game, any DK/ranged dps can hit me if they look up. I don’t think this was against a premade, because usually premade will kill me on the wall.


I just know LoS is very particular, and even in that video you struggled with it a little bit, id be really frustrated to lose a game because a hunter could destroy our vehicles but was LoS of my grip.


They got really close, I joined a “losing” game. I think it ended with the main gate at 13%.


I dont think you would have to worry about los in that scenario I am rpetty sure he would be out of range thanks to MM hunters range increase from mastery.