BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Quick anyone lurking, im about to remake Anathemae(my dk). What race do i go?


Look i was already considering gnome. but that is a REALLY strong argument

Like a tiny evil Dolly Parton


Backfill Av wins feel soo good against premades!


Oh my


Any particular reason why?

A bunch of stuff happened before I quit the last time, and all my gold ended up on moon guard, Iā€™ve slowly been moving my characters there. My main server doesnā€™t really have people to interact with and thatā€™s kinda the main thing Iā€™m playing for at this point

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Well, just be careful if you venture into Goldshire on that realmā€¦

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Oh Iā€™ve already seen haha! I was hunting down a horde demon hunter here and saw all those people, I had to remind myself what server I was on mid chase

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My swords too big to see past, but this cutesy doodle is my new anathemae, some blood elf took my original spelling


Sorry. Iā€™m not familiar with Moon Guard euphemisms.

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It really wasnā€™t so bad, lots of human butts

Ayy! No shunning me now that Iā€™m moving to erp capital of the world

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Are you Azeroth? Because that sword is too big for you.

To clarify: gnome, not Moon Guard


As someone who is originally from anvilmar. Shush

No such thing

I have no idea whats going on. But im watching my posts get removed in real time, atleast the ones from my demon hunter.

I just replied to you on her and told you to shush and the post justā€¦ vanished. No Green checkmark or anything. no notification its just gone. its the third time its happened in like 5 minutes

Im pretty fed up with this forum tbh

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its a blizzard cover up.


My guess is that they dont like my Demon Hunterā€™s name, and a mod keeps pulling my posts for that? IDK tbh.

Posting from Anathemae seems to be fine.

Toskosa, if this post is removed, youā€™re proof i existed.


As someone whoā€™s originally from Anvilmar, Shush

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Eh, it happens usually in a thread that gets 404ā€™ed, or if the OP manually deletes their own thread

Say you posted 5 replies in a thread that later got 404ā€™ed, and say you had 1000 posts, after the thread gets nuked then youā€™ll have 995 posts

But if itā€™s just happening randomly/outside of controversial 404 threads, then thatā€™s weird tor sure