BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Its adorable to be fair, and he oneshots everything so hes a tiny titan :3

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Alliance = Blue.

Horde = Red.

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no actually its
Blue = Alliance
Red = Dead


I love demo lock but rn Iā€™m trying to learn how to destro lock . Ok Iā€™ve been convinced that chaos bolts r fun. Last night I killed a warrior with a 103k bolt to his face x: I honestly misclicked cuz I wanted to kill the mage but I clicked the warrior instead x:

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Holy are you going to turn red too join us red goats

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Funny Iā€™m doing the same thing in reverse. Chaos bolts are fun, Iā€™m learning demonology after they turned my favorite spec into demon hunter I played nothing but destro, figured Iā€™d give the cloth demon master hunter a go

(Also you killing a warrior on accident says so much T_T)

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Im sure you have, but have you seen the grimoires! the stuff we can do to our pets in the minions int he barber shop??? :heart_eyes:

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lolololol yeah that poor warrior i felt bad for him tabbededed targetededed rekt . i love demo army of minons i just wish there was a glyph where it would be an army of succubus instead of fel imps x;

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Thinking about leaving my space goats purple just be to be original since everyone is gonna be red now.

I wish the forums would update my fit already T_T whats the point of being cute if i cant flex my mogs on the forums

I spent a little too much time in the sun this summer.

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I swear on everything i know your name and i dont know why. and its not the ā€œive seen this guy posting on the forumsā€ recognizing :thinking:

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Not sure what to tell you.

I expected nothing, I was just hoping that acknowledging it would jog my memory. It did not.

Snowcrest are you carrasco?

I often get recognized in game from the forums.

But if itā€™s something apart from that, then I have no idea. Sorry.

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ayyyy the forums fixed my mog (or apparently it only shows up correct on mobile idk)

I donā€™t know what that is?

Sorry its a person that use to post on the forums.

Oh, then thatā€™s not me.