BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I don’t play but some of my friends do.

Apparently they “forgot” the PvE mode that was the whole point of them making Overwatch 2.

I’m 32 this July

wow my birthday is also in july lol july 18th.

There’s a pretty decent chance that forum posters share the same birthday.

Y’all might be long-lost twins.

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July 26th for me

mine is in June

Gonna guess june 9th

I like games like OW ( I don’t play it too often any more because of the stupid battle pass ) because I can hop on, play a game or two and go back to adulting. But I’m 36 and I’ve got a wife and two kids, plus Navy stuff had me gapping a lot of WoW content while deployed so it kinda took a back seat for awhile.

tl;dr - I didn’t realize we were all so old :frowning:

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Kinda makes you wonder if younger people are still joining the game.

Or if it’s all just kids of WoW players, being forced to join their parent’s arena/RBG team because they need a healer.

All you kiddies get off my lawn :wink:

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Close kinda but no

Turning 32 is meh I dont feel that old though. I mean my back hurts when I lay down too long though,

This is a real issue kids keep tossing there stuff into my backyard its not very nice.

June 10th

I feel ya, I feel old but it probably has something to do with having a 17 year old.


slowly closer lol

i love tanks that complain about heals in av lmao

To be fair, a lot of random/pug healers are wimpy or weak heals - premade healers are much better (you never feel in danger if competent/premade healers are nearby)

It’s like, some of these pug healers toss out a Rejuvenation and an Efflo ring (for example) and expect that to keep people up in the face of heavy incoming damage :woozy_face:

i mean ik this guy was a dh tank and i k dh are blind asf but liek the awareness just wasnt there . Always blaming heals when he was no where to protect said heals or help with objectives in av … he also proceeded to keep soloing drek so . like i cant help him there either lol .

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Why are people assuming that though?
DF will be out for 11 months by then. They are totally announcing a new expansion this year at BlizzCon. I love WoW. WoW is my favorite game and this year is good to go since it probably won’t be as hard to get tickets.

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Yah I dont have kids lol so maybe thats why. Then again I hopped a fence early this week and I was shocked at how hard it was. Like when I was a teen I could have been over that fence in a second lol.

Because most ppl who post on the bg forums regularly are jaded as heck. I am also jaded as heck and expect nothing from blizzcon lol.

That would be cool but I dont want to get my hopes up.

same but its turned into a love hate relationship lol.

hey whats up hello

any tanks or heals wanan do some yolo rbgs i has a group up rn just trying to do some conquest .