BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Don’t forget to grab your Ethereal Portal this week.

Yet ANOTHER patch release where SSvTM is the brawl. I see you Blizzard.


Unfortunately it also comes with the unintended side-effect of higher queue times…

I notice since I spam it so much. Usually (when it’s up on “regular” non-patch weeks) queue times seem to be 4-5 minutes Alliance/8-9 minutes Horde

Now it’s like 12 minutes Alliance/10-12 minutes Horde, but the “actual” wait time seems to be ~15+ minutes, it’s slow-going

There’s tons of people playing right now/capital cities bustling with players, they’re obviously here for the 10.1 content though

Interesting. I had three 1min queue times for it last night kekw

Blizzard is starting to monetize the Trading Post.

975 tenders = $8

I know it’s been a couple of days, but don’t forget to grab your blazing hippogryph mount this week.

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For Zelda fans, does this look like it’s really good?

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I would play it but I am not really interested in getting a switch.

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I would be getting a Switch for just one game… and I don’t even know if the game is actually good or not.

That doesn’t sound like the best idea.

I’ll be playing that soon and I played breath of the wild. Amazing game. I expect tears of the kingdom to be better or as good.

I highly recommend Breath of the Wild to anyone who enjoys games

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Anyone going?

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I may or may not have just booked my hotel


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nah, I dont really like to travel so ill pass.

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Why though? The general consensus seems to be “they have nothing to announce other than 10.3” lol

None of their games have anything “big” coming down the pipeline, it’s just WoW that maybe might get a new expansion teaser/peek

I might be misremembering things but wasn’t Overwatch a big surprise that came out of the blue?

Blizzard blocked off a chunk of time and then was like… Surprise! New IP!

I guess we’ll see if they release a schedule.

I don’t play Overwatch but I hear Overwatch players are apparently really pissed off for some reason

Might make for an ackward in-person experience/event if these angry Overwatch players are within shouting/heckling distance of devs :sweat_smile:

You know… The world could always use more heroes.

The early days of Overwatch were pretty fun, happy, and exciting.


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Harrison Ford:
“They say when you’re about to die, you see your life flash before your eyes. And I just saw my life flash before my eyes – a great part of my life.”


De-aging visual effects are pretty incredible:

im a lil mad pve wont be fully coming tbh . and im a lil mad they gutted ow1 and then didnt do wha they said they were going to do . The ashe mythic skin when it comes out better be good . It better have my purple and blue recolor option too. Then maybe ill forgive them . :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :unamused: :unamused:

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not a fan of games like OW, moba style games in general. I have not played a moba since highschool and I am 32 this july.