BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Historically speaking, they’ve always announced the next expansion the following year after an expansion launch. Aside from that online thing they did during covid where they announced it early the following year online instead. I think it’s pretty safe to say we are getting the next expansion announcement at blizzcon.

At Blizzcon, I’m guessing they’ll announce the next WoW expansion and a Diablo 4 expansion pack.

Maybe another Diablo mobile game.

Maybe a new IP? I really doubt it though.

I used to be really excited about Blizzard games. Lately, I’ve just been keeping my expectations low.



Yeah they’ve really damaged their own reputation over the last few years/self-inflicted by bad dev choices, probably why Dragonflight (supposedly) didn’t sell as well as Shadowlands

I’m more wondering “what they could pull next” as far as the next theme, seems like they’ve already tried everything:

  • classic storyline (Vanilla thru WoTLK)
  • world changing (Cata)
  • pandas (MoP)
  • time travel/alternate universe: TBC & WoD
  • demons (Legion)
  • pirates/high seas (BFA)
  • underworld (Shadowlands)
  • dragons (Dragonflight)

Legit wondering what they could “pull out of the bag” for the next one lol

Void lords/void stuff? Seems like they already “sort of” did that in BFA. Idk

Same. They’ve been out of touch for years now.

Seeing how they used pve to help sell ow2 and the justification for stopping ow1 and then turn around and cancel the pve for ow2 after a convenient amount of time says all you need to know about the company.

Blizzcon will have the next wow exp, diablo 4 expansion, ow will have riot barricades, that warcraft mobile game will be launching around that time arc rumble or whatever it’s called. Hearthstone will have another new expansion.

Overall it should be a decent show but again my expectations are pretty low.

Tbf though, shadowlands was a long time wished for expansion whereas dragonflight wasn’t. The dragon isles was just on the list of undiscovered locations.

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I see a few worrisome signs of decline.

Besides employees leaving the company… and Blizzard getting acquired by Microsoft…

Hearthstone pulled the prize pool for their esports program. $0 for competitors now.

Overwatch 2 pulled their PvE. This feels like a bait and switch considering PvE was supposed to be one of the major features, if not the main feature.

I lost interest in Overwatch when they downsized teams from 6 to 5. I guess I got used to 6-player teams in Overwatch 1. It’s kinda like if they downsized WoW bg teams from 10 to 8, or epic bg teams from 40 to 30. It’s not the same. I prefer the bigger teams.

Diablo 4 is coming out in a few weeks and I hope it’s really good. Otherwise, it’ll just reinforce my disappointment.


Are we running out of things to fight?

I’ll know we’re near the end of WoW if the next expansion is the Revenge of the Murlocs.




Today is my unbirthday

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Thanks! Happy unBirthday!


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Definitely going to pick up the bee, the orange scarf, and the axe. Maybe freeze the wasp mount.

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any d4 gamers

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It wasn’t permanent


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Ay! I tried to make it permanent, blizz said no way

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I’ll have to come up with something better next time I’m throwing a fit

No. You don’t have to do that.


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I’m kidding. <3

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Are you?


Promise? No more trying to break the world record for a forum ban?

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I promise, no more temper tantrums / world record attempts. It was pretty immature of me

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