BG forums lounge (Part 1)

reporting in

hola amigos

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I have finally lvled my ranged only surv hunter to 70. I am now gearing via comp stomp.

never cared much for the mop dragon mounts personally, hoping there is so sick transmog next month though.

That article also shows the xmogs.

spoilers man, jk I havent opened the link but now I will ty.

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miss u tosk

Miss you light, what have you been up these days? I am playing this range donly surv at 70 for laughs right now.

Marvelā€™s Phase 4 has been kinda meh.

Hope this movie is good.

I feel like ever since Robert Downey Jr. left itā€™s been downhill

To much time travel, to hard to follow, and the tv shows being important to go see the movie was overwhelming

I used to go see every single movie, now I just feel left behind and donā€™t bother lol

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To be fair, itā€™s hard to follow up after something like Avengers: Endgame, which was the culmination of like 20+ movies.

But, I think the Phase 1-3 movies were better than the ones in Phase 4. Or maybe our expectations are higher now.

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I remember being like 10 years old going to see ironman with my family. Itā€™s probably just nostalgia lol.

Everything seems cooler when youā€™re a kid


Iā€™m kinda looking forward to Batman Forever.

I really liked Shazam and Black Adam. Iā€™ll probably watch Batman Forever

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