BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Wow, already? That was fast!

You’re on Pagle, right? My sister is leveling a druid there. Willing to bet she quits (again) before she gets to 70.

Squeek and I been leveling in New World. So far, it’s been a lot of fun. We intentionally picked a server that no streamers had chosen and still have a 1k queue during prime time to log in. That part sucks. :frowning:


Which server?
Some guildies and I went to Vingolf server. Not a major streamer server. It’s been cool. Lots of back and forth fighting and skirmishes happening at the forts.

The game has been really fun so far. The world and atmospheric immersion is beautiful.

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We are on Falias. We chose Syndicate faction and so far I think we made the right choice. We are about to go to war over Everfall. It will be fun!

I’ve enjoyed experimenting with various weapons and talents. Having all professions on one character is pretty awesome too. Looking forward to buying my house soon.

Would you recommend buying the game now?

Or wait a bit to see how things develop?

The best time to get into any MMO is at the start. Everyone’s newb and leveling together. Then the zones slowly empty out and die lol… I’ve heard nothing but positives from the two RL friends of mine who got it. I don’t think I’ll play it though.


I’m enjoying it a lot. There is so much to do. The PvP is fun, even for a lowbie level 21 like me. I have a lot to learn about PvP objectives though. I have really enjoyed trying out the different weapons and learning new traits. I’ve even enjoyed healing, something I really didn’t enjoy in WoW.

I agree with Nawat that it’s better to start with everyone else who is also learning so you’re not a stand out noob. :wink:

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I just watched a YouTube video with AnnieFuchsia’s first impressions of New World. She seems to be enjoying the game too.

She also mentioned you only have to pay once and there’s no monthly sub.

Hmm… Tempting…


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The game is fun but that video title and thumbnail are super clickbait.
As has been said a million times over the past few months, WoW ended up killing itself. No other game can take responsibility for that. And really, nothing will ever touch what WoW was during it’s prime years.

Some of her statements are kind of dumb, like saying the game has no real end-game. It’s a PvP game. It is not a PvE game. It was designed as a PvP game with a PvP end-game. Wars, zone control, fort battles, hunting players and killing enemy factions groups, etc. That is the end-game.
That said, I am quite certain Amazon will add more PvE dungeons in upcoming content patches/expansions because it would be good for the game and they will see the $$$ potential in it.

Anyone else on Orofena? It’s the unofficial RP server. New Word is fun. I like how much time I can easily devote to crafting. I’m excited to see how PvP goes but I’m only level 11.

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I’ve really had a lot of fun on New World but it’s roasting my gpu so until I find a solution for that, I’ve had to take a break. I’ve tried every possible solution out there and it’s still a problem. A lot of players are having that problem. Apparently it bricked some high end gpus already. I wanna play! :sob:

Oh, I heard about that issue. I was hoping they had fixed it. I don’t want to destroy my GPUs/laptop/computer for a video game.

Did limiting the FPS help at all?

How did you know something was wrong? Were you monitoring temperatures?

I heard my fan kick into overdrive, but didn’t think much of it until I got a black screen. Then I took it much more seriously and started checking. That’s when I realized my gpu was frying! I have tried capping fps at 60, reducing graphics to medium and even low, throttling load and any other suggestion I could find on fixing it, but none have been successful. :cry:

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To be safe, I’ll probably wait a bit for some game updates and a few GPU driver updates to see if things get resolved.

Yeah I’m not risking it. As much as I enjoy the game, it’s not worth frying my gpu. I’m hoping Amazon and/or Nvidia or EVGA find a solution soon. I really want to get back in game!

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I still have a few pc’s lying around the house that were bricked over the years from MMO’s that they couldn’t handle. WoW is great for being able to run on less than high end machines.

Welp sub runs out in a few hours. I have a bunch of 60s ready to go in the .5 patch. Lots of good changes that came too late but also still missing a crucial one. If they remove rating locked gear I’ll 100% be back. If not I won’t be.

I know most of the ol’ forum crew is gone but best of luck to everyone. I hope you all get everything you want in and out of game!


My sister in law’s gpu caught on fire playing WoW but it was a faulty gpu. WoW doesn’t stress my pc at all, but NW sure does.

Enjoy the time away. You will be missed!

Leaving WoW behind was hard for me, but after three months away, I don’t miss it much. That doesn’t mean I don’t hope WoW reverses direction and goes back to the great game we all fell in love with. I want WoW to be fun again and I hope it can be that in the near future.

Still stuck with me until December 24. :wink:


^ Same.

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What is the weird ability that teleports a bunch of the enemy team into the middle of our team in SSvsTM?

Probably this