BG forums lounge (Part 1)

And now for something we can probably all agree on: being able to get Mage Tower skins on alts :drooling_face: I made a suggestion post over on the PTR forums, feel free to leave a comment or like:

I figure it doesnā€™t hurt to ask since they are focused on Legion timewalking at the moment.

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I have a sudden urge to drive to my bro in law In Kentucky and go bow fishing on the Ohio.

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I wasnā€™t in it for the long haul, just wasting time on the sub til it expires. I donā€™t blame anyone for going where their friends are.

Iā€™ve moved on to true crime documentaries because Iā€™ve exhausted Netflix too. Been binge watching ID the past couple of days. Should keep me occupied until Netflix has the next season of Ozark, Dead to me and Stranger Things.

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Wtfā€¦ This makes no sense to me lolā€¦ Fishing in Alberta kinda sucks. Got to bait the deep lake fish, only place youā€™ll find any.

Definitely pumped for this one. Got the right amount of horror and conspiracy theories for me lolā€¦ Also the new season of The Witcher is soon! The first one was freaking superb and itā€™s so easy to f up.

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Not something I would support.
I generally like exclusivity and time-restricted events. And Blizzard said they werenā€™t going to bring the mage tower back. I donā€™t want to see them to break that word, otherwise it means nothing if they say it for anything else. Even though there are some skins I want for some of my toons, I still wouldnā€™t support bringing the mage tower back.

The mage tower challenges were also designed and tuned for the abilities available in Legion.

I doubt the SL dev team would be able to do a good job updating these challenges for the current expansion while maintaining the same level of difficulty.

Spend a few minutes on YouTube and you will see how country boy degenerates in the south grew up lol

They also swore for years that they would never, ever bring vanilla servers back.:wink:

Anyone play New World open beta?

I did! I only made it to level 6, but I enjoyed the combat. I tried the life staff and fire staff. I liked having to aim as well as being able to dodge. Iā€™m very interested in seeing how PvP goes.

The beta convinced me to buy the game.

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Pretty sure Iā€™m going to buy it too. I didnā€™t get to play it as much as I planned. Internet problems all weekend, so I only made it to level 7. I didnā€™t really get to try PvP to see what it was like. Thatā€™s honestly the thing I miss most from WoW so I hope itā€™s good!

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Me too.

We definitely need more competition in the MMO PvP space.

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Agreed. WoW and Blizzard h ave been resting on their laurels.

Although Iā€™m sad because none of these new games are appealing or pop to me. Last MMO I was hyped for and actually enjoyed for thousands of hours was GW2.

New world looks like it wants to be a theme park MMO and a sandbox survival at the same time and not excellent in either departmentā€¦

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At this point, Iā€™m just praying that Diablo 2: Resurrected is going to be a lot of fun.

D2r is going to be fun hype for a while but I already know that for me itā€™s mostly nostalgia from playing D2 back in the day with my friends from school.
If you havenā€™t already, you could check out Path of Exile. It was developed largely with D2 as itā€™s inspiration. It has quite a steep learning curve that will take a while to grasp it well, but itā€™s satisfying gitting gud and pushing the end-game.

Howā€™s the game?

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Well if we put aside not being able to play because of server issues for 75% of the time since it launched yesterday morning, itā€™s alright :+1:

D2R has been awesome for me. (I know there are tech/bug issues for some players.)

Iā€™m busy with RL stuff, so I canā€™t stay up super late, but I wanted to keep on playing. Itā€™s just nice spending time in a game thatā€™s enjoyable and fun.

On a side note, Den of Evil is slightly scary after not playing for so many years and on a brand new toon. :rofl:

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Finally made into bc content.

I know I know Iā€™m too hardcore and need to slow down :rofl:


Just when I got bored! :sob: Lol enjoy though, itā€™s definitely a good time for a bit.