BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Extreme circumstances requires extreme measures lol.

Had a friend when I was in my early 20s that supposedly would take a shower after a one night stand (that phrase is way old sounding) and ā€œwaffle stompā€ in their shower to leave behind.

Thatā€™s a private browse if you donā€™t want other people seeing strange googles.

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We filled our roommateā€™s toilet with ice and clear gelatin once. He attempted to use it after the gelatin had solidified. Two of us thought it was funnyā€¦

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Games dead, eh?

WoWā€™s best days are forever behind it I feel but itā€™ll live on for many years.

What they plan for 9.2 and the next expac is probably some of their most critical decisions they will ever make.

I only wish danuser got the boot.

Really seems like 10.0 is do-or-die for them.

If they donā€™t produce a ā€œLegion-qualityā€ hit with 10.0 Iā€™m not sure how well the playerbase will respond to THREE mediocre/bad expansions in a row :grimacing:

It might just be the tipping point where we finally see mass unsubs (to the point where itā€™s no longer possible for them to ā€œhideā€ it) and the game fades from itā€™s #1 position in the MMO category.

Like I said earlier it really feels like the goodwill of the players is gone, you can ā€œsenseā€ the lack of patience in the air.

I donā€™t envy their position being under so much pressure to produce a ā€œhitā€ with 10.0 while dealing with all the covid stuff, while thereā€™s an ongoing lawsuit/scandal, etcā€¦ thatā€™s a lot of pressure :joy:

Yes. The absolute only reason I login at this point is to do m+ with the gang. Then I just go be bored in other games on nights no one is on. I recently took up wc3 again. That usually occupies me for about 2 weeks lol.

Iā€™m just buying time til sons of the forest comes out and I can sink about 200 hours into it.

Once that all dries up ashes of creation may tempt me into getting an alpha 2 key and testing/pushing for small scale pvp stuff on their forums. I know a guy who knows a guy who can supposedly hook me up with alpha access. Weā€™ll see I guess lolā€¦

Iā€™m still having fun slowly leveling in TBCC.

Also been replaying the mainline FF games on nights Lisa works. Cleared 1-5 so far, about halfway through 6.

I was going to level my shammy with my sub time left, but game feels so bad without friends to play with so back to binge watching Netflix.


Yup. Got some PvE friends left but zero PvP ones. Itā€™s a bummer.

Covid wrecked Netflix, Iā€™ve watched everything half decent lolā€¦ Anyone know a different service thatā€™s good? Like star or something? Lol

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I have been watching some Apple TV+, and there are some good shows on Crave (if in canada)

Sailing the high seas is always a nice service.
Arrr, matey!

Bow season in a couple weeks. Time to practice up!

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Havenā€™t shot my bow at all this year.

Iā€™m gonna need a lot of practice lol.

Sorry mate but I thought you and squeak had left with the PvP change and Jd vanished so I jumped to a PvE server to play with some old friends who donā€™t like PvP. :frowning:


The only thing Iā€™ve been playing is total war warhammer 2 with Tribbie in the late evenings.

9.1.5 is too little too late imo.

Yay we can change covenants on a whim and level alts faster to just run circles around korthia and the maw. Pvp meta is still not fun and shadowlands dungeons still suck so all the new quality of life changes coming doesnā€™t really improve the game for me.


I didnā€™t even go back for 9.1 or this patch.

The game needs a major overhaul before Iā€™ll go back in any serious capacity.

Still just goofing off in classic. Someday Iā€™ll hit 70.

We did manage to 4 man all of BRD at level 53 though so thereā€™s that :rofl:


Unless youā€™re a pirate.

Never really done much bow shooting.

I hate appleā€¦ But Iā€™ve heard good things lol

Just donā€™t get sucked into using a crossbow. Takes a lot of the fun out of it imo. Getting some cheap arrows and using a recurve and challenging buddies is pretty fun too. Make a little top golf arena except with bow targets.

Honestly donā€™t know anyone with a bowā€¦ Lots of guns, but no bows. We Albertans are probably more Texans with our love of guns lolā€¦

How much does a good bow run for?

Oh thereā€™s a big difference in quality and price on bows from a few hundred to a couple thousand for a top of the line. In regards to the accessories and all, itā€™s also like a good long range rifle, you almost buy the gun again after you buy a high dollar scope lol. Getting a good sight, arrow rest, and reduce the sound of the bow to make it quiet you spend several hundred bucks if you get quality.

Recurves are much much cheaper overall though because you donā€™t really buy any accessories and they are a ton of fun to shoot. Bow fishing with a recurve is super fun if you can find a big group of carp. You can usually find a sweet deal on an old someone found in an attic. Most of the time you can oil the limbs a few times over a few weeks and bring it all back to life.

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