BG forums lounge (Part 1)

From Wowhead:

Whistle Emote Change

Currently on Burning Crusade Classic realms, if a player emotes “/whistle” while targeting another player, the sound file is suggestive and often referred to as a “cat calling” whistle. On the Public Test Realm, the whistle emote sound files have been changed to the retail version, where it is less suggestive.

I wonder if this change was because it was harassment to the male bloodelves. :wink:

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This is the 2nd worst news I’ve heard in quite a long time.

In response to many requests from the community, (and not at all in response to any scurrilous accusations by anybody or any legal actions in the real world) we are making a few more small changes to some emotes.

The /angry /gloat and /golfclap emotes will now be automatically combined with /apologize as we know players will want to show that they are sorry for not controlling their emotions.

/chicken Will now result in offering the target some KFC
/flap will be eliminated

/cough Will now add a Defias mask to your character for one hour.

/flirt will only be posable with targets that have previously targeted you with /smile, /wave, /shy, /sigh, /agree, and /wink within the previous 24 hours.

/moon, /shake, /rear, /rasp, and /rude will be deleted from the game

We will continue to evaluate other aspects of the environment and will be announcing more upgrades like these over the next few months.

We hope you enjoy these changes. :+1: :smiley:

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Makes me think of this.

Comic Database: Steve Hughes… Offended? - YouTube

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I’m guessing this is all part of the new image Blizzard wants the world to see. In game emotes have never offended me. At least we still have /lol … for now. Great PvP taunt. :wink:

As if anyone would dare to use emotes against Jadei…


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Right? Do they know who I am?!

I don’t get mad, I get even (or try). :joy:

I miss the days of Gin-Ji knife and a cooking fire on the players who had the audacity to eat my corpse.

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You’re pretty naive to think the Government doesn’t hide things - even things that shouldn’t be hidden.

More OT: Sub runs out tomorrow, hopefully they’ll fix casual PvP and I can start enjoying the game again :frowning:

You’re welcome to believe the Government and all the best medical doctors and scientists in America are working together to hide things that shouldn’t be hidden.

But, maybe take a few moments to consider the possibility that they’re actually telling the truth and they’re trying to save lives?



You do you boo.

:grimacing: :+1:

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I’m supposed to get the keys to the new place tomorrow at noon.

The current homeowner is texting me some son story and saying they might need “a few hours more”

If you’re of a mind, please pray for me so I don’t blow a blood vessel tonight.

Thanks kiddos I love you all



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They’re politicians, of course they hide things.


Thanks Bubbi it worked. Got the keys at the agreed time and am busy cleaning.




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Bet you don’t find the rotting fish for not giving me the 2 extra hours.


We had a very nasty room mate in college that we couldn’t convince to just clean his room so we bought a few cans of sardines and hid them in his room so the smell would get so bad that’d he want to clean his room to rid the smell. We’d also be agging it on about the smell.

It actually made his room smell better because it hid the soured shoes smell.

One morning we pushed the vacuum cleaner in there and a bucket of cleaning supplies and then locked his door from the outside with a rope. We wouldn’t let him out until we heard the vacuum cleaner run and he sent us a picture of his clean room.

We threatened to call his mom at one point lol. We also kicked him out after the lease agreement ended.

No idea why I shared this. The rotting fish thing took me back I guess.


Did you know it was the shoes that caused the stench?

It was a combination of everything.

What came first, the human or the shoes?