BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Ah yes, anecdotal evidence. Everyone I know that had covid is perfectly fine now, so that means everyone else that got it and survived is fine too.

Do you know anyone healthy that died or has lasting effects?

480,143 have died over the age of 65.
126,246 have died under the age of 65

close to 80%. CDC link provided.

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It’s a somewhat meaningless argument because none of us have the raw data to show how deaths were reported, either with C-19 or OF C-19.

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Yea think it may be 78-79%

This is true as well. I do know some families have reported their loved one died of something completely opposite of C19 but was listed as that. And on top of that, treatments have improved since the beginning.

My comment was directed at him/her trying to obfuscate with the tired talking point of only old/infirm are dying from it. Obviously a false statement.


Didn’t say only. The 80% is correct which leaves a good minority of young adults/children.

There are a lot of people who do not get paid when they don’t work, if you don’t get paid you can’t buy food or pay the rent. It isn’t really a matter of choice for everyone.

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I was the first in my family to get the shot, there was a program where a small number of doses left from vaccinations of hospital staff were offered in a sort of lottery. First shot February 6th second February 27th. The first non-lottery winner in my family or my neighborhood (I was the only one but my wife was included) wasn’t till late March 2021. Doses were in very short supply early in the year here.

Well it’s very bad to show up to work sick whether vaccinated or not and that will lead to more illness than an unvaccinated person will.

What state?

My issue is pushing it on children who have basically 0 chance of dying from it to protect adults. What kind of society are we when we put ourselves over the future of our children when we have no idea of the long term effects from it.

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All the way up to 60 or 70 year olds have a very low chance. Like 99.9999 something chance of survival.

Yes. My stock broker was healthy, under 65 and fit. He is dead now.

New York.
The distribution that was set up by “warp speed” was very unequal. But lest this be turned into yet another conspiracy it wasn’t red vs blue, Texas was even worse off than New York going by doses per hundred thousand population, Florida had the best ratio.

Mass had a great amount.

Sorry for your loss.

Whew. Glad I’m not the only one.


Covid is like politics. People’s minds were made up before they came to the discussion and it didn’t change after the discussion. So it’s almost a waste of a conversation on that principle alone.