BG forums lounge (Part 1)

The intense censorship is certainly concerning, and a big red flag in and of itself :thinking:

But what I don’t understand is how have these shots not been recalled after thousands of deaths?? They recalled the swine flu vaccine after like 30 deaths…

The whole thing doesn’t make sense to me and I find it super creepy just how aggressively they’re pushing it :eyes: To me that’s more the reason to stay away/sit on the sidelines while the dust settles.

An experimental/unproven Frankenstein cocktail with unknown side-effects? Oh and it was “rushed” out in like 8 months (when most vaccines take at least 4-5 years)? I think I’ll pass…

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And it’s all around the world not just here in the US.

So we all decided to keep going… FML

I 100% hate the censorship. It’s happening and it’s an issue. They’re doing it though because they don’t want to give the nut job consiparcy theorists any ammunition :roll_eyes: sadly it doesn’t help that.

Kinda like this stuff for example :roll_eyes: literally everyone at my work is double vaxxed, not forced. Not one has any symptoms even. Yes there’s side effects with the vaccine but they’re rare and they’re exactly the same as the side effects of the virus itself. That’s how vaccines work. Seriously people don’t understand science.

I mean mRNA vaccines have been worked on for ages. Yes it was rushed, no it’s not approved but it’s far from being 100% experimental :roll_eyes:

Again, mRNA vaccines have been worked on for ages. Most Republicans complain about the 4-5 year red tape. Right up until it favors their agenda then it makes total sense.

There’s a reason places like India people are desperately buying black market vaccines. People are actually dying from the virus like crazy and being vaccinated is generally better than getting the virus.

No I don’t think people should be forced to be vaccinated. Still I’m tired of bullcrap being spread about how bad this vaccine is.


Ah… So you think the President, the Vice President, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and all the best hospitals in America aren’t being honest?

But, you’ll believe a random email from one town in your state.



It’s almost like 99.999% of fully vaccinated Americans have not had a deadly COVID breakthrough case.

If you don’t understand the science behind the vaccines, please consider asking your primary care provider. Hopefully, your medical doctor can do a better job explaining the whole thing to you.

Looks like it.


Super serious question

Should I get a Raspberry or Chocolate milkshake at this ice cream place? I can’t decide.

Plz halp BG forums you’re my only hope.


Like chocolate is good. Very good… But come on, it has to be raspberry! Single greatest flavor of all kind. Especially if it’s fake so there’s no seeds :rofl:


Is mixing an option?

If yes, go with both.

If not, get one of each and an extra empty cup and mix them that way.


This was my choice in the end.

Didnt think of this. Next time.


Yes. Why would a hospital lie about this stuff? They are being honest to their staff, as most hospitals should.

Neither have the unvaccinated. It’s the elderly and immunocompromised, and those are the ones who should take the vaccine to protect themselves. Not 100% of the population.

I’ll believe Robert Malone over you.

Basically this is what we are living with the rest of our lives:

Omg… The lack of science you know is astounding. You realise that immuno compromised people cannot get vaccinated right? You really need to read up on this. That’s the point of the rest of us getting vaccinated, to protect those that can’t…

Secondly if the vaccine is killing people supposedly, wouldn’t it kill old people too? Again the healthy are the most likely to survive so why aren’t we protecting those that can’t.

I’m not asking you to believe me. I’m asking you to believe hundreds of scientists over one scientist. A guy claiming to be the inventor despite multiple patents showing that’s not the case and the simple fact that that’s not how science works. A guy claiming it makes it easier to get sick despite endless studies with actual statistics showing otherwise.

Again, I’m not asking you to get vaccinated. I am on your side, your work shouldn’t force you to get vaccinated. All I ask is that we stop talking about this here because lack of scientific knowledge is leading to some serious misunderstanding.

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Vaccinated are still spreading it… and by a lot. The reason the vaccination is good is to reduce symptoms… which for the majority of us is not much.

True, this vaccine isn’t really good for anyone.

No offense, but vaccinated are getting sick. 1 out of the 2 covid patients at my hospital are fully vaccinated. Not sure about the 2nd. All the patients at my neighboring town coming in sick are vaccinated, in which they will not mandate vaccines because of this. We just had a cruise line of all vaccinated people minus 5% have a bunch of cases. Can we stop saying the unvaccinated are the spreaders and go back to the days of if you show symptoms, stay home for a few days. I just got over a good sinus head cold, but according to “experts” I probably had Delta.

Also, honest question here. Did you read the consent form you signed?

Yes it is still possible to get sick and be contagious with the vaccine.

They are actually much more likely to get sick and also much more likely to spread it. So no we can’t say it. Even with the Delta variant. I will encourage others to get vaccinated. I will ABSOLUTELY advocate for your right not to.

I wish… My province has a high double Vax rate because we started slow and then or numbers went super high. They literally just told people of you’re sick don’t bother with testing or isolation. Absolutely bonkers.

Yup. I did state above that I understand that it’s an emergency vaccine and it’s not FDA approved (hence I’m not okay with it being forced on people). I have a science degree with a minor in microbiology though. I didn’t rush to get the vaccine, one of the last ones at my work, but I did my research ahead of time and I have almost zero concerns. The science is sound and the actual data since has shown that getting vaccinated carries significantly less risk than covid itself, even for the young and healthy.

Anyways… Jugga, please, there’s a giant covid thread in GD lol… Go argue with me there so we can go back to talking ice cream here.

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We can if people just stay home when sick.

Exactly. And this push to get everyone vaccinated should be an eye opener. We only need the elderly and immuno compromised vaccinated.

Double vaxx yet getting sick… makes sense to what I have been saying. The vaccination is the sickness.

I would love to but they don’t last long there. I feel this is a super hot topic. As someone who has worked with covid since the beginning, I can tell you some things. Also, feel free to still talk ice cream here. I’m not trying to shut anyone up, but being censored everywhere gets a bit old.

One more note, they are giving the pregnant ladies exemption because they know it’s causing miscarriages.

Can people if they don’t have sick time but have mouths to feed? I used to never call in because if I didn’t do the work it was just more work for me when I came back.

Please, I beg you, do some research on why immuno compromised people cannot get vaccinated. They literally cannot.

No. We had almost no vaccinations at first. We were one of the slowest to get our first shots out because we couldn’t get any. At that point out numbers were insanely high. Now we are all double vaxxed, numbers are low and the province is saying idiotic things like “go to work if you’re sick”.

So let’s not get our BG forum get locked then? Go argue in that thread, way more people can see your misunderstanding and argue with you.

So because your job sucks and doesn’t offer sick time is a good reason to come to work sick? This is bad advice vaccinated or not…

Vaccinated people are testing positive whether sick or not, that’s my point.

idk about you but I was offered mine in December, as were many others.

Don’t report people and it won’t get locked.

/Sigh… I have a great job. You know how many garbage jobs exist out there though? Walmart, McDonald’s and even places like Amazon.

There is a HUGE portion of the population that is part time and making minimum wage. Places where you have no choice but to go to work because you’re literally living pay cheque to pay cheque.

Your point is missing the main point. Unvaccinated people still get sick more often, more sick and are more contagious.

Ours was rolled out based on age/conditions. Being somewhat young and healthy I was last on the list. I also postponed a bit. I got my first dose in February. A lot of my co-workers got it before that.

Why risk it? All it takes is some hard core lefty to report you or some anti vaxxer to report me and the whole thread is gone. When there’s literal threads devoted to this very topic.

No reason to vaccinate the healthy and young

Not the data I’ve been seeing from neighboring hospitals.

Cool! The country who was 2nd in getting these vaccines is less vaccinated than the US… not by much though.

They don’t last in GD with thousands of posters (or hundreds at this point)

I’ll leave you with a study done:

I’ve already said why this isn’t true multiple times :roll_eyes:

Well the actual data shows that it’s true. Yes vaccinated people still get sick but it’s less sick and less severely sick. My entire province is proof of that and it’s as conservative and redneck as they come. It’s why we had low vaccines at the start.

Edit: couldn’t quote your link to pub med oddly.

Yes I know all about ade :roll_eyes: it’s what your Robert guy likes to rant about. It’s also why I actually hesitated at fist to get the vaccine initially. That paper however just talks about the possibility, not the actual numbers that show a different story.

Robert pulls from a few actual cases where ade occured when there’s many many more succesful vaccines where ade doesn’t occur. Again my entire province has no vaccinations = high numbers of cases and deaths. Now has high vaccinations = low numbers and virtually no deaths. This is the exact opposite of what would actually happen if ade was happening. You would know this if you actually understood how it worked.

A fun second fact about the Delta variant. Super contagious and killing tons of people. Guess where it’s the most rampant and killing the most people? A place where almost nobody got vaccinated. Funny how that works.

Anyways. I can’t argue anymore. I’m glad I got out of science, too few people have any clue and it’s super frustrating. Go ahead and have the last word. Hopefully the thread is still here in the morning.

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