BG forums lounge (Part 1)

They’re hiring a PvP developer to CREATE CONTENT. Is this real life?

(ps. whoever gets it if you read this fix Alterac Valley)


That feels like admittance that they haven’t had a pvp dev. Now I’m going to put my optimistic face on.

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Sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is tough. :cry:

I hope them hiring a PvP dev makes a difference. PvP is the main reason I played WoW as long as i did.


Oh, they definitely have PvP devs on staff… they’re just not working on retail PvP at the moment :thinking:

see: the sheer amount of attention/dev-time TBCC battlegrounds are getting vs /crickets for unrated PvP in retail

It’s anyone’s guess when they’ll get around to it based on their snails-pace track record. 2022? 2023? maybe patch 10.1?

I feel like 9.2 and 9.3 are definitely a no go, but maybe 10.0

2022 hopefully, i don’t want a whole other year of this :sob:

I have hopes though. Its a good sign they’re looking to fill a pvp position


They’re about to make it mandatory for everyone in the military too, I’m super not excited about that.

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Things have apparently changed in the military.
A few months ago, I saw something about some Marine unit where 40% had declined the vaccination. At the time all I could think of was “when was it ever your choice what shots you got?”.
But of course my ETS was in 1972, will be half a century next year, so time does march on.

I have no idea when the last time an experimental vaccine was used on the military, but it hasn’t been recently.

It’s all a matter of perspective, 1965 is still recent history to me but to a recruit today would be like WWI was to me, ancient history. At the time Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were both avoiding military service, and I had enlisted (almost everybody in my unit was drafted at that time, but I was from a military family (father a master sergeant with active service in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam older brother an E-6 with two tours in Vietnam, I was raised on Army bases) so I saw things from a different angle) at that time it was considered none of your business what they were injecting you with, the Army had decided what was best and it was your job to go with that.

I suppose. 1965 was 56 years ago so I’m not sure how that’s really ‘recent’ history for anyone :stuck_out_tongue: I’m 4th generation Navy, dad is a retired E7, brother is an E7, other brother was a Marine - I’ve got five ( close ) cousins that are currently active and way too many retired family members to start spewing off. Spent most of my life on Navy bases and I very much care whats being forced on me, I’ve had my fair share of vaccinations. Most recently had my yellow fever, SARS and a rabies vaccine ( I work with uh, people who work with dogs ). No complaints as yellow fever runs a 15-50% ( pretty large span, but that’s according to the WHO ) fatality rate and SARS is 11%. COVID on the other hand, I’m not rocking any of the risk factors nor is anyone in my family or anyone I work with regularly ( nor are they vaccinated ) so I’m not concerned enough with the < 2% fatality rate to take an experimental vaccine. :woman_shrugging:

tl;dr my sub runs out in 10 days and I hope the new PvP dev does something good. :frowning:

From what I remember, there was some bad reactions to the anthrax vaccine in early 2000’s… but at least that was a properly tested/properly approved, traditional vaccine.

These new/experimental mRNA shots have never been tested in humans prior to 2020, plus they were “rushed” out to the market in like 7-8 months :eyes:

Anyways, if you’re in the military you’re probably out of luck on this one… maybe see if you qualify for an exemption? I dunno.

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Thanks. It leaves a strange hole of “I want to call them about x, but can’t…”


Sorry for your loss. I still find myself wishing I could call my dad, years later, just to talk sports or ask “how long do I cook this on the grill?” etc.

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Actually a typo, should have said 1969, not that it changes anything.
1965 I was in high school in Germany.

Thanks. (This is Fred btw).

I’m swapping to this since the co-founder of Deadbeat Dads (greatest guild name of all time also) and dude who got me into wow died yesterday.

So I figured I’ll rep our onetime supreme (and if some people - cough jd cough - played alliance could still be in) awesome guild.

This would also be our theme song thanks to horrible recording musicianship, singing, recording, etc…

It is legit a terrible song. Definitely was loaded when we just made it up trombone and guitar…


I just had both of the rare swords in Zul Farak drop in the same run.

Now I almost feel like I have to spec Ret or the gods will be angered.


No way. I had the same thing happen to me and I thought I won the lottery.


One town in my state, which recently mandated vaccines for LTC healthcare workers, emailed their employees that they will NOT be mandating vaccines because the patients coming in with covid are fully VACCINATED. Finally a hospital is honest.

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Yeah, they’ve already announced there if/when it goes mandatory there will be no medical/religious waivers ( exemptions ).

Time to start pushing back against this tyranny. They have censored all the bad stuff going on with the vaccine around the world so people literally think this is a good thing. Scary times.