BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yep exactly.

Coffee, soda, and liquor are not heated and divisive topics. Nobody is calling someone else an idiot for liking pepsi over coke.

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You have clearly never had an argument over orange vanilla coke.

heated and divisive topics

Yes, let’s talk about pvp instead!


Us poor deprived Canadians
 Never seen this. I will throw a chair at anyone who says a mclfury is better than a blizzard though.

I feel like we are more United than previous expansions :rofl:

Sorry I shared my dilemma with people. Scary times we are living in with this vaccine.

mcdonald’s coffee > tim’s coffee


Correct, I cannot lower my IQ low enough to care about such a worthless topic.

PvP is good.

This is why we could be friends
 If I still played alliance :sob: also I think I read somewhere that Tim’s went and did the crazy thing and sold McDonald’s their og recipe. I remember liking Tim’s more back in the day.

Could also be making stuff up.

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Coffee is disgusting.

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Never developed a taste for coffee, but I do consume a lot of good strong Assam tea most days.

energy drinks are definitely the superior caffeine beverage

 I enjoy it black like my heart.

They all taste sooo good. I had to stop though. Were wrecking my sleep when I was younger lol

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:fist: :fist: :fist:

same brother. 6 cups every morning. If only it came in iv form

Also it’s nice to see a Battlemaster post in here. We haven’t had any new faces in quite a while.


PvP used to be better :stuck_out_tongue:

I have an espresso machine at home so I make a double espresso in a cup of black coffee every morning.

Anecdotally towards the (and my only comment I will put out on this topic) death thing:

My mom tested positive in February and at the end of March before being released to come home for hospice care.

Despite that her death certificate says lymphoma and not covid even though she never tested negative for covid before dying.

But on a more positive notes, I finally got a ps5 after tracking Twitter etc for like 2 months and trying to buy one at every drop.

I know the popular topic right now is “game feels dead”, but the forums have also been dead for a while.

You can tell activity is down when you’re skimming thru the boards and see a bunch of threads created “5-7 days ago”. And often the “active” threads are just necro’ed threads from 1-2 weeks earlier rather than fresh threads.

Even certain greens/MVPs and other high post-count posters have quietly disappeared off the forum ever since SL launch :eyes:

Well, this seems to be an interesting place to be, how come have i never come here before?

But yeah, i do feel like, with all that is happening, that the game and community is getting exhausted.

For a long time the community gave Blizzard the benefit of the doubt, always expecting things to get better “next patch” or “next expansion”.

But something feels different this time. People are noticing that the patches are just “more of the same”, getting tired of the bait-and-switch/empty promises, and finally starting to unsub.

It was honestly mindblowing looking back on the game after taking my Classic hiatus.

So many things I cared about that just seem stupid now. I’m starting to think Classic might not have been a great business decision.

They used to get tokens/expansions/character service money out of me, but now its just me playing Classic with a sub.

This thread has come full circle. It should be closed for posterity’s sake.

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