BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yeah, but they can do something like: “We want to see an increase in value-added services”

And, that effects game design.

edit: Ah, I see you addressed that later in the post. They don’t directly deal with game design, but they do place constraints and give directives which do so indirectly.

But there’s a major resistance to a cash shop in classic where there’s not really in live

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It’s just one mount and one toy right?

Or did Blizzard add even more stuff for TBC to the store?

It’s the one mount and toy. That’s why they are pushing now before it turns into what retails shop is.

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Are they worried about more stuff being added to the store for TBC?

Or are they trying to completely undo the cash shop for future expansions in Classic?

Camel’s nose

It’d be nice if we lived in a world where all, or even the majority of COVID deaths were caused by COVID, but we don’t. There is an incredible amount of deceit and misinformation on all fronts.



When you get to a certain level of employment, you are no longer fired. You are “stepping down” or “searching for different opportunities”


Expected really. If what is in the lawsuit is true then Brack knew of afrasiasbi well ahead of his departure and chose to do nothing until they became under an investigation in which he quietly left the company and they left his name splattered all throughout the game. Extremely hypocritical when you look at how they handled other “allegations”.

I expect more to follow.


Talked to my manager and they are actually going through with this vaccination or termination bs. And calling it voluntary resignment. Anyone else dealing with this?

It’s starting to go around, especially in medical/health type jobs.

You are definitely not alone, here’s a story regarding some healthcare workers from just the other day (“last year’s heroes, this year’s unemployed”):

I was checking my newsfeed this morning and apparently Microsoft and Tyson foods have jumped on the bandwagon. So it’s not just healthcare-type jobs, it’s starting to get scary out there :eyes:

It’s important to remember that a lot of the “pressure” for this BS is coming from the top down, a certain dementia-ridden individual is pushing HARD for mandates or coercing people into getting it.

So far this hasn’t gotten around to me, but if it came to “get vaxxed or be fired” I would definitely not take it. That’s just me though.

To me no job is worth the potentially life-altering, dangerous (and permanent?) side-effects I am seeing in others that took it.

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I expected Tyson, and any company that operates packing plants, to be among the first in line.

There is no distancing on the line and not a hell of a lot on the kill floor, at least doing beef (I worked in a kosher plant way back when) I assume poultry and pork are the same. And you can’t work from home. The industry has been hit very hard.

I doubt if any of us is surprised that nursing homes are doing it, but I hadn’t expected retail to jump in as fast as some of them are.

I don’t know the laws in other states, but voluntary resignment doesn’t sound right, seems like refusing a change in employment requirements would result in a layoff, nothing voluntary in that. In my state “voluntary” means no unemployment and that doesn’t seem at all right when the rules changed while you were employed.

Good luck at any rate.

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Frontline health care workers are at the top of the list of people who need to be vaccinated. They come into contact with COVID patients frequently. They also come into contact with immunocompromised patients and the elderly.

Sorry, but this is really important if we want to save lives.

Sorry, but this isn’t BS.

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Hey everyone… Can we stop the covid talk in here. Pretty divisive topic and I’m getting ancy… Lol I don’t want a forum ban and I want to stay friends :rofl:

Let’s all be friends and be happy our resident druid got his house!


Yea it’s their sneaky way of no liability.

I disagree. Vaccinated are still catching and giving and I suspect it will only get worse. I worked a year and a half every day with no vaccine.

We all disagree… Can we move back to PvP? No eh? We all have to have the last word I guess :roll_eyes:

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Excuse me I guess for speaking my mind like everyone else is allowed to do.

This isn’t the thread for this topic. You’ve mentioned your opinion a bunch of times already. You know that I will go entirely too long with you. Let’s just agree to hold back. I’ve not said anymore. I agree to not. It’s a crazy topic. Worse than religion to talk about :rofl:

The first 50+ posts on this thread are about soft drinks, coffee and liquor. :stuck_out_tongue:

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