BG forums lounge (Part 1)

“Vaccine” makers really should go to jail, IMO anyway.

Something else we don’t agree on perhaps.
If anybody is deliberately lying for profit and thereby putting peoples lives in danger, they could get jail time for that.
I don’t think that’s the case, you may believe it is, I don’t think either of us can know for sure. Hopefully time will tell.

I’m really hoping it’s wrong but yea time will tell. And I don’t plan on getting vaccinated. Worked directly with Covid patients all along and still think this is bs. And withholding medicine that works should also be punished.


Which medication are you referring to?



Even if this were true… Has covid not killed many many times that? Like legit this vaccine was rushed and I have some trepidations with it… But there’s a reason why places like India are scrambling to get some despite it being too late…

That’s unfortunate, my condolences.

Before you make any decision on this, I would check with your insurance company and read the fine print very carefully

A lot of insurance policies specifically exclude coverage for “experimental” drugs or treatments - and these rushed/questionable vaccines are still not FDA approved as far as I know.

So if you are injured, maimed, or (somehow) end up dead you’re just screwed. Oh and of course, can’t sue the manufacturer for damages either, the corrupt congress critters gave them immunity from lawsuits :roll_eyes:

Here’s a brave redditor that posted his hospital bill (original thread probably 404’ed by now):

“safe and effective” :joy:

HCQ was shown effective when it was used early. Not effective on people in an advanced stage of hospitalization. The second finding was reported on, the first… not so much.

Well Covid death numbers are a bit skewed. Almost every death was listed as Covid. And vaccine deaths aren’t being listed as such.

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I’ve already thought long and hard about this. My job is not worth it if they are going to force this on people.

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Final walkthrough tomorrow and we close on Monday.



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I have a friend that runs a local funeral home and he says almost every body they get has a cause of death as covid on their death cert even when its forced closed casket because of it being an accidental death like a motorcycle accident.

It’s all fishy to say the least.


Yep and the testing they did was at intervals high enough to detect anything which means lots of false positives.

Been catching up on forums and so far

  • Still “testing” same faction bgs in classic
  • Premades down to 5 mans on classic
  • Blizzard being sued
  • Spit emote may or may not be removed in classic
  • Content creators are quitting WoW
  • The person who hyped retail WoW more than any other bnet friend, Bandit, has quit WoW forever.
  • Tsatga is about to be super busy unpacking boxes and moving furniture (congrats!)

Did I miss anything?

Also, if you use 13 days of a 6 month sub, it is considered “consumed” and you will not get a refund if you unsub.

As a federal employee, the only guidance my agency has been given is that we have to wear a mask inside federal buildings. Wearing a mask is such a small thing, it’s no big deal.

I don’t engage in Covid vaccine or any other Covid debates because most of us cherry pick the information that supports what we believe and won’t believe anything that doesn’t, but I will say, we lost my stepmom in June to a heart attack. Her cause of death was not listed as Covid, or had any association to Covid, despite living in a high transmission area.


Not sure where you live, but the standard jobseeking advice probably still applies - don’t quit, make them fire you.

You waive a lot of rights and could potentially be disqualified from unemployment when you voluntarily quit.

Or if you already have another job lined up you could just quit whenever… but it sounds like you were caught off guard by this so I’m guessing you don’t.

Good luck on the job search :hugs:

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There were 646 deaths relating to the flu among adults reported in 2020, whereas in 2019 the CDC estimated that between 24,000 and 62,000 people died from influenza-related illnesses.

I’m sure that the record low number of cases of the flu had nothing to do with the flu being misdiagnosed as covid.

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Yep! They are removing the PCR tests coming up.