BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yep that’s my plan to let them fire me if it comes to that. There’s always home care that doesn’t mandate vaccines. Certain families don’t want unvaccinated buy plenty don’t care.

I support a little old lady in a retirement home sometime as. A posh one her sister put her in. Their average was 3 deaths a year. Covid got in there and killed 42 of 120 in less than 2 weeks. My coworker from India has 3 family members that have died in the last month with what’s going on there because nobody is vaccinated. The rich are black market buying vaccines right now because they’re do desperate for a vaccine.

Flu or no flu, covid massacres old people at the very least. I’m not a fan of the vaccine as it was rushed and there are side effects being suppressed. I’ll even support someone’s right not to get it. Still I’m not a fan of misinformation. There is no world where the vaccine has killed as many people as covid itself.


That’s good advice.
You never quit till you have a job lined up, at least in my state if you are fired “for cause” you aren’t eligible for unemployment, but the “for cause” at least can be challenged. If you quit you are never eligible for unemployment. May be different in other states (NY here).

The only problem is that job hunting while working full time (or as I did for years and I assume many RNs are now 12 hours a day 6 to 7 days a week).

I’m sorry for your loss. You haven’t missed anything from your list.

My 6-months are almost up (I think there is a week left). It’s not about the money for me, I just hate that I’m considered an ‘active subscriber’ even though I haven’t logged in for about a month.

I’m afraid to say it’s not looking likely that the next patch will come out this year. I suspect March 2022, unless they rush-release another patch. I think it will be very interesting to see what’s in it.

I’ve also heard from people who are still logging in that their queue times are going up for all types of content, that LFG is showing fewer results (mostly paid boosts) and they’re having difficulty at off-peak times finding anyone to play with at all.

As Korthia loses its replayability (Some are already saying it has? I maintain my opinion from the PTR: a zone that is smaller than Naz’jatar won’t be able to sustain players for 8 months, no matter how many time-gated treasures or RNG rewards they put in there), I really am concerned about what will happen to the number of people online.


I feel like this is a bit pessimistic :rofl: I have no doubt it’s delayed though. Late this year or January would be my thought. Not that tbc classic will hold me that long likely.

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I really hope I am wrong and that they can bring me back! I love the game, but my goodwill towards Blizzard really took a hit with 9.0 —> 9.1 and some of the recent design decisions. We’ll see. :crossed_fingers:

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They’ll rush a WoD jukebox content patch and call it 9.2 just to get people to resub to try the “fresh” new update.

Anyway I’m done with WoW for the foreseeable future. I don’t enjoy logging in anymore and haven’t since early BfA, only guilds and friends kept me playing. But even that can’t make up for the boring, monotonous, chore of a game anymore. Sub ends on August 5th and I am dunzo.
I’m willing to return to WoW if Blizz can ever pull their head out of their rear and make a genuinely fun game again but I don’t see that happening anytime in Shadowlands or even 10.0 expansion, not with the lifeless, vision-lacking, anti-player team they currently have.

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This is my concern - 9.1 for a ‘major patch’ is pretty lacking in content, but we’ll see.

Who will cut down all the people that post silly threads in your absence?!

I was thinking earlier about if I’ve actually enjoyed Shadowlands, and all the good times were helping guildies or playing with a few friends or in battleground maps that aren’t tied to this expansion. I enjoyed watching people die to the dancing mechanic in LFR in Castle Nathria and punting people off the high terrain in Revendreth, I suppose :man_shrugging:

They brought in an outside company to remake a very fun game.

Someone else must take up the reins now, lest this corner of the internet fall victim to entitlement and participation-reward culture.

I do plan on playing that. I played it heavily in the early 2000s. I know it’s technically still playable now, but it’s just a ghost land of bots and d2jsp farmers. The remaster launch will be hype.

Yea something like 80% deaths were from the elderly. Very sad indeed but not a reason to make all take a vaccine. H1N1 was just as contagious yet not as deadly because it targeted more young people.

Once you learn everything about the zone, it gets old. There needs to be content that dynamically changes to offer a different experience as time passes. New things that unlock and are discovered.

They just have a rotation of the same things, over and over.

Thank you.

I haven’t played the game since July 1 and only logged in once since then to clear out storage (most people call them mailboxes) and yet until December 24, I will be considered a subscriber.

I have never, in 15 years, felt more detached from the game. I quit retail in BfA because it just stopped being fun and didn’t look back. Classic kept me involved, but in light of recent decisions there, I’ve realized even classic is not the game for me.

WoW has kept me entertained for far too many years because it was good content and it was fun. I hope that, somehow, Blizzard can go back to a team that can give players that type of enjoyment rather than making players feel forced to play the game just to keep up. If Blizzard ever gets back to basics, not profit margins and sub counts, and WoW becomes enjoyable again, I’ll be back.

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When the random BG squad of Jadei, Herc, and Bandit split up it was a dark day for WoW :scream:

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Pretty sure you just described a large portion of the player base. The game feels more like a weird psychology project than an actual game.

This current dev team isn’t capable of making a good game. It’s gotten progressively worse every expansion since ion took over.

Eso is still slowly growing. Ff14 has hit a blast off of growth. New world will do ok until they inevitably monetize the crap out of it and players leave. Ashes doesn’t seem too far off and I expect their servers to actually die from too many people trying to play it.

That doesn’t leave much meat on the bone for wow who is currently spending dev time to remove an emote because it shuns the cash shop customers after afrasiabis crap stayed in the game for over a year after he got secretly let go. I have no doubt they gave him a hefty severance when they should’ve put him on the offender list.


Yes, sorry for your loss :cry:

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And WoW will still be here when all those other games die out. Happens every single time.

Tis true, token sales will keep Blizzard milking it.

I’d prefer wow pulled their thumbs out of their butts and made a good game.

Haven’t played wow for more than a year now. Maybe a week on retail and a day or two in BC. I couldn’t tell ya if I think the expansion is good or not.