BG forums lounge (Part 1)

The ironic part is, how many of us here that are actively playing tbcc have actually hit 70 on their first character? It’s seems a rushed change considering I doubt we’re alone in not having reached max level yet. People are leveling, getting attuned, farming rep and aren’t to the point of farming bgs all evening. But it’s a change, that once implemented, cannot be taken back without massive clapback.

I think they needed to give it some more time to get a better idea on how much faction imbalance was actually going to impact bgs.


After reading some of the feedback threads… um… feedback I’m just super disillusioned in general now.

Im not gonna quit (for now), because I’m not even 70 yet and I’m not going to be able to test it for a while yet.

The game definitely feels different now though.


Thats quite literally the exact reason they’re doing this.

46% alliance across servers 56% horde. 1hr+ queue times for Horde.

One faction is not partipating.

I really cant see any solutions to that problem.

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Let’s call their so called feedback thread what it was created to be - an echo chamber. With the rate they were deleting alliance comments, it was pretty obvious what they are looking for.

Me, too. I have no motivation to even play the game atm.

Because it is. This is not classic tbc. This is some mutation they’ve created.

That doesn’t really say what you think it says. Those statistics come from raid logs. Anyone who isn’t raiding or doesn’t upload their logs is not counted. I mean, in classic, on this character, I did not raid after P2 so I would not be included in any of those statistics and yet I spent 75% of my game time inside a bg and players can acquire PvP gear much easier in tbcc than they could in classic.

I think players are reading what they want to from those statistics to justify or criticize a terrible decision by Blizzard.


They aren’t participating in large part because they believe they are at a disadvantage. It doesn’t matter how big that disadvantage is, it’s there and they believe it’s too much. The solution to that was mirroring racials. Whatever one horde race got, an alliance race should get the exact same ones (plural, no mixing them up either).

That’s the solution, always has been.

Make them believe they got a fair shot and more would give it a go. Would horde still have 10-20 minute queues. Most likely, but that’s something anyone can live with. There will still be more horde players.

THIS solution is going to kill off all pvp servers for good. Only masochists will still roll ally on those server in the long run. I’m sure Grob, my server, will hold out ok for awhile. Not feeling like putting any more time investing into something I don’t think is going to last.

This solution probably helps more players than it hurts. I’m just one of the one’s that it does. I’ve never unsubbed for as much as a day from mid Wrath til now. I came damn close in BfA but held on until Classic because I know how I am. When I quit things, I quit things for good. And I’ve quit things far more addicting than WoW.

I’ve decided to keep my stuff though. The thought of everything I’ve collected being stored away in some old section of the servers, I imagine block chains of 1s and 0s covered in cobwebs, it feels like a poetic ending :crazy_face:


You’ll be missed @squeektoy.

Sorry I never got the chance to BG with you this go round.

Auf Wiedersehen friendo.

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majority of the horde were pushing for this solution and preferred it over faction changes.

in the end people chose horde because it’s a rerelease of a game everyone knows what’s best, people weren’t going to mass xfer alliance for free because of queue times, they’d quit before they did that.

this is what happens when you’re playing a game from the past.
personally i’m more surprised they didn’t do faction changes for the money they’d make off it but ye.

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I’m most surprised by the censorship of Alliance posts that has been going on in a so-called “feedback” thread :joy:

Just took a quick peek over there, it’s currently at 522 replies but I wonder what the actual size would be minus all the censorship. 600 replies? 700 replies?

I looked at the web address for the (current) last reply and it’s numbered 574. So around 50 delete replies at this point.

It’s gotta be more than that…

I was actively monitoring it yesterday for a little under an hour and they were deleting posts pretty aggressively.

The thread would be 31 posts, then suddenly it would be 26 posts. Then it was 34 posts, then suddenly it was 27 posts. Then it was 43 posts, and suddenly 39 posts.

…and that was just in the span of ~1 hour

lmao it’s just dumb that people are complaining about it, it’s 2021 where people meta game hard, Horde was better in BC, so people flooded there for meta.
Faction changes would not fix queues.

So the other option was Merc mode, or the one they brought in, or do nothing at all and let everyone continue to quit because they have to wait 2 hours to do a random battleground.

I suspect they weighed their options and the math worked out as follows:

Impossible to make “everyone” happy, there was always going to be fallout/negative reactions from something like this.

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What’s dumb is exacerbating the situation with a rash change. If players were waiting too long to get into a dungeon or raid because there were not enough healers, is Blizzard going to redesign the system for immediate gratification so dps can do the content without healers or are they going to look for ways to encourage more players to play healers?

This is definitely one of the most rash and least thought out decisions I have ever seen the developers make and I’ve seen plenty over the years.

Players have plenty of reasons to be upset over this change. TBC Classic was advertised as a “faithful recreation” of the original game so it’s not unexpected that they anticipated that and not this mutation.


Lol, just looking at wc3 and realizing how far away this game has got. I honestly don’t think its the devs so much as the players forcing the devs to choose who to satisfy. The way zoomers perceive and play games vs the boomers is night and day.

Blizz could’ve easily surveyed horde accounts that are running bgs if they’d be interested in a free faction/server xfer. But that’s an obvious time/money investment that they didn’t want to spend. I wonder what the zoomers will do in wotlk when human racial becomes meta.

My interest in this game continues to dwindle. I still have the same time to play. I just choose to not play so much anymore because it’s simply not worth my time. If not for friends, there’s no way I’d play wow. The wife and I will randomly tell each other we didn’t do our torghast and weekly m+ this week as a running joke. It reminds us on how bad the game is and not to get the itch. I just miss when this game was something more than a psychology experiment rofl. Maybe 10.0 will fix it. :rofl:

Unrelated news, I took up kayaking and paired it with jug fishing. Made some cool jugs out of pool noodles.


I transferred one of my Paladins off Grobbulus to a PvE server.

Not the main one, the baby one that’s more of a dungeon spamming toon. Had a couple of friends that started playing again and they detest PvP servers.

Every well known horde content creator was complaining and sending tweets to blizz devs on the daily with a huge amount of support asking for this specific fix. When your main content creators start the swarm like that Blizzard answers.

I’m sure they would’ve done something different if they weren’t getting pressured by content creators and their large audiences.

Who? Besides Cdew and Venruki. Two horde players who bailed on classic WoW a few months in and will most likely do the same to tbcc.


It can be a bit rough. Outlands is a warzone right now :rofl: a ridiculous amount of lvl 70s dive bombing people. Also stay away from all felt iron nodes lol… They are bloody death traps, turn into full blown 5v5s before you know it lol

Anyone familiar with this new MMO?

It just launched today and it might be based around siege PvP. I don’t know anything about it.

I had 3 Paladin on Grobbulus, one for each spec (and race!)

Like I said the one I transferred was mostly a Prot twink anyway. Wasn’t planning on using that one for much more than tanking dungeons when people needed it.

Figured if I was going to send one send the one I wasn’t going to use to heal people or smash people with.