BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I’m the idiot walking in front of trail cameras with a ghillie suit on to mess with people.

Also, that pvp interview just proved how out of touch this dev team really is. He mentioned analytics and I just shook my head. It shouldn’t take an analyst on the payroll to tell the devs what’s fun. I always thought holinka was one of us in a weird way because of things he’s sad in the past but the interview made him appear like an Ion right hand.

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don’t really think what he said was objectively bad, or good either.

there really wasn’t much to take from the interview, they did address the catch up for alts being a grinder, which they said they will add catch up mechanics in the 9.1.5 patch which is fine as it’s the mid tier of the season where the conquest cap is a significant grind. so it’s good to know that will be a thing as alts mid season are exhausting and unbearable.

i really didn’t find any glaring negative in that interview or positive. they addressed things people had an issue with, and gave their reasoning to the gear gaps, which is a debate in itself. you’re either for better players being rewarded better gear and being more powerful, or you are against feeling less powerful because you can’t commit time or be good enough to achieve said rating requirement.

that’s truly the great debate, casuals vs everyone else.

SL S1 was a good season and was mostly positive until the patch and season went on for so long that no one really played.

I was always against Holinka, Jadei probably heard me talk so much trash about him on a weekly basis but he is one for the people, it’s not his fault for the over arcing WoW issue not delivering more pvp content. If PVPers simply had more content like more battlegrounds, better 40 man BGs there would be less complaints.

The whole BG for gear then arena/rbg/bg for conquest thing is old and exhausted at this point, PVErs get brand new content and PVPers simply get seasons and metas with abilities. That’s the true downfall.

Though really, that’s a WoW issue, BC is the same. Blizzard hasn’t really treated PVP with love since Cata/MoP & partially legion, think of the world content these expansions had. Tol’Barad, MoP wall vendors, the zone with the towers I forget its name. Legion world pvp quests (free for all)
There’s been nothing since then.

This is why games like Ashes Of Creation are truly catching the eye, they’re treating PVE and PVP as both strong game modes, not one being the main, and the other a mini game.

If it’s not clear by now, World Of Warcraft’s engine is trash and old, they can’t do anything out there. They can’t do siege PVP without crashing a server, they can’t code simple things, they can’t fix simple bugs.
They’re having issues fixing the MC bug, because they can’t even wrap their head around their own engines coding.

The game is screwed lmao.

Agreed with most of what you said but their engine being trash and old isn’t why the game is bad. If my old jeep can only run 60 mph then I need to stop pushing it to 70+. Same for wow. Their design with borrowed powers is pushing wow beyond what it is capable of as they noted in a previous interview. Something about so many additional modifiers being applied to abilities.

Also on that note, borrowed powers is when this game took a turn for its worse from a story/rpg perspective to gameplay as well. Pre legion we were grunts/foot soldiers to Legion to now we are the sole savior of the world. Makes the world feel small. I see this so easily now leveling in classic. Then you gotta have all the tedious borrowed power systems to go along with it that have only gotten more and more annoying as the expansions went on. Legion wasn’t so bad because it was the first expansion of it and we all tend to only remember the last patch with the easy catchup mechanics.

As crap as wod was, I still had a max garrison on every alt. I think I have one tier 2 thing in my covenant across 5 or 6 max level characters. The systems are causing the game to become unplayable. It’s like everything they do is an attempt to slow down the zoomers.

Casual pvp in bgs hasn’t been enjoyable since legion. I can’t remember the last time I queued two bgs in a row. (Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t have the time for doing the borrowed power chores)

not really either honestly. I don’t really care if people are more powerful as long as there’s a reasonable fighting chance. I remember getting chapped in the pre legion days because a high rated player could get more conquest points than I could. There was still a fighting chance though.

It also pains me have a never ending cycle of “wait til next patch” Why not put in catch up mechanics in 9.0.5? Why not work on it now and implement a fix now? We know why, limited resources are allocated to pvp and that’s why we see pve fixes within a reasonable amount of time and pvp gets the “organic meta” treatment.

This 100% unless they change management around.

I like what that steve guy from ashes said about new worlds cash shop on the mmo market just needing more successful titles. I know I won’t agree with all he puts in ashes but I can respect it as long as it’s obvious his intentions are actually trying to make a better game.

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I remember doing wargames in WoD and if we were going to be doing above 30v30 in AV both teams needed to agree to not using toys or having battle pets up or we’d end up with too much lag. I get the devs wanting to make a bigger, prettier splash on our screens so to speak but you got to work with what you have and not what you want. Seems they haven’t figured that out yet.

That was certainly part of it. I also LOATHED the max lvl zones with extended quest chains. I forget the name of the zone but that one in Legion with the mana addict elves and such irritated the hell out of me and when it came into BfA I was ready to leave for good. I only held on for Classic. Not that classic was perfect or even great but it was fun enough to stick around and I could have gear that was a tier or two below the top levels and still put up a decent fight in bgs in most cases.

With the exception of WoW expacs, I never buy a game on day one or even first few weeks of release. I may make an exception with Ashes. Unless once it goes into beta testing etc. and I start to hear things I don’t like, I’m gonna be all in on it. The look from what I’ve seen and the concepts behind it sound too good to pass up.


I think their systems would be fine if classes weren’t pruned in WoD. They’re trying to fill a void that WoD changes created and it creates this ping pong void and huge balancing issues along the way. Their safest fix would’ve been to just revert classes to MoP straight up.

With that said, classes feel 100x better than they have felt since the prune, so that’s a positive. Mage,Spriest,Hunters for example feel like real classes again.

Sadly, as bad as the changes have been for PVP overtime with all these templates, hidden scaling etc, these changes were brought on by the community in the head. Blizzard had a lot of push for equalized PVP and they gave it, then people came out of the woodworks and complained hard. So then they went half way with it and put hidden scaling to protect no gear players, then people complained about lack of progression/meaning and the problems of low geared players putting out bigger numbers, this really killed PVP in BFA. Then they were like ok fine, no scaling, but added a PVP gear progression system which is like a political war at this point. They’re in a never ending battle with casuals vs their more regular player.

I’m definitely for me being more powerful than a 0 rated player, but maybe not THIS much powerful, but they did close the gap slightly in 9.1 but i’ll have to see how that plays out.

Yeah pretty insane that they didn’t even put accelerated conquest in BY THIS POINT 6 months, but truthfully with how delayed 9.1 has been they must be in such a scramble and coding simple things in this game probably takes weeks lmao.
The WoW engine is chains to their ankles.

I don’t think management change would make the game better in a large scale. Shadowlands 9.0 was a good launch patch objectively if we cancel time. I believe everyone’s burned out from WoW to the core, people want something new and exciting. A game that can use modern technology as we’ve seen in games like ESO, Guild Wars, Ashes, these epic siege fights, fortress control, dynamic world from these wars. WoW can’t do these things.

This is why Classic WoW had such an insane amount of hype and a few months in the retail version started to become the more popular game. BC has been out for a week and people are already talking about going back to 9.1 in a few weeks because there’s not much to do after the initial grind. 9.1 will come out and be highly popular for a few weeks, then people will start talking about the next thing, phase 2 tbc or New World. WoW can’t hold people the large numbers anymore.

The concepts and things they’ve got in the game are really cool and looking like a force

…but don’t get me wrong, Ashes Of Creation combat is some of the worst MMO combat i’ve ever seen lmao. They said they’re going to overhaul it because of the complaints, but a key to a good MMO is having fluid combat like WoW, and WoW is king for fluidity in combat.

The new house hunt ended today.



Any of you made it to the bone wastes in Terokkar yet? It’s LHC during p2 on overdrive. People are forming groups to take back the summoning stone and getting ganked by a group of 5+ players all 2-3 levels higher is a thing.

Congrats. Housing market is pretty insane right now!


Congrats, now the pain of packing and moving starts?


I remember teams would win fights in Ashran by mass-calling those birds that pick up enemy players.

So. Much. Lag. :laughing:

I remember when the Classic devs were testing the opening of that bug place zone. After a few hours of PTR testing, they figured out what stuff to change/disable on the server and it was amazing to run around and cast spells with hundreds of other players in the same area lag free.



Diablo 2: Resurrected

September 23, 2021

:fire: :fire: :fire:


I was never a big Diablo fan.

I hope the game is good for the people who love it.

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So I took a quick peek over into the TBCC forums just now, and what do I see? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  1. crying threads about queue times
  2. crying threads about “faction imbalance”
  3. complaints about premades in BGs
  4. “no changes” tossed out the window, multiple threads requesting merc mode
  5. Alliance complaining about “constantly” getting ganked in wPvP

Some of the thread titles, as of this post…

“Horde bg q’s are 50mins”
(327 replies)

“PvP is horrible in TBC”
(133 replies)

“Were sorry for picking horde. Let us faction change”
(127 replies)

“Please break premades”
(98 replies)

It’s like an alternate/parallel version of this BGs board, except it’s actually active :popcorn:

If you weren’t already aware, go check it out for some entertainment/reading material :smiley:

It’s the best subforum on the forums right now.

And I’m not just saying that because I’m playing TBCC


Lol, the merc mode threads just keep piling up over there.

I count 3 new threads since I last checked yesterday, geez :joy:

“Blizzard will lose Subs without mercenary mode for PVP”
(35 replies)

“Mercenary Mode is a must”
(145 replies)

“We need mercenary mode”
(20 replies)

Look at this Dwarf getting feisty

TBCC forum definitely most entertaining section at the moment.

I’m really enjoying skimming thru all the lively arguments/debates that are in-progress over there🍿

I actually commented over there in one of those threads. I feel nothing. No sympathy. None. A robot would cry for them before I did. An enema of boiling water would not be enough to make me give a…ahem.

Kinda like the people who only play dps complaining about a lack of tanks and healers.

No sympathy here, especially after spending the evening in STV 2.0 (Nagrand). Anyone paying attention knew this was going to happen.

People with poor gear got absolutely crushed in BFA even with the scaling. There were bugs in the system where some things could be exploited, but those were bugs/oversights not the system itself (which was an overcomplicated mess).

I never ran across a single person exploiting loopholes in BFA. Undergeared players were zero threat.
