BG forums lounge (Part 1)

That’s not true, I and many others did the whole undergeared thing and it felt templated.
Undergeared players are zero threat now.

This video makes me glad WoW has finally hit its end. Activision ruined the game.
Shadowlands was such a return to form, and then they decided to not release a patch for 8 months. COVID wasn’t the issue, the structure over there is the issue. Imagine charing people $14 a month and not releasing content for 8 months, the company is a joke.
If 9.1 was out a few months ago I’d have the complete opposite opinion on WoW but to let an expansion go on launch content for 8 months without an upgrade is complete murder to the game.

I don’t even know how there’s still such active player base according to the stats released.

But 9.1 coming out this late, is too little, too late. 9.2 will be forever away, the next expansion forever away. WoW is finally at its end.

RIP. Onto Battlefield 2042 and Ashes Of Creation.

Depressing video! Hits a little too close to home :sob:


The thing is, WoW is basically “the Walmart of MMO’s”, it has a kind of too-big-to-fail resiliency to it :joy:

That probably explains why it continues to stay afloat even during down/drought times… instead of completely collapsing/folding like other, less resilient games might experience during a bad year.

I know Walmart gets a bad rep in the real world, but I still find myself going there for certain items. For example their prices on motor oil simply can’t be beat - the value for the money is just too good. The same exact $39-$42 premium oil I might get at an auto parts store is only $24-$25 at Walmart.

There’s also the “good will” of the playerbase keeping it propped up. Because WoW “was” good in the past, a lot of players are willing to let a bad patch/expac from the devs slide on the hope that the next patch/expac will be good.


Well i was in a good mood until I watched this, now I’m just sad…

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Cheer up, @Forumfighter volunteered to help you move all of the heavy furniture if JD brings the truck. Now he has to re-sub in order to refute my statement!

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I did put the :sob: emoji above the video to warn everyone.


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I’m still casually logging into tbc about 8 hours a week right now. I do realize I have limits on how far I can go with my character at that pace and I’m ok with that. My canceled 6 month sub ends in July sometime so then I get to make the big decision to resub or not.

Since your discord comment about there being no games coming out, I’ve made it a mission to find something and sadly you were correct. There’s not hardly anything to look forward to til either this winter or next year. Back to wotlk waiting room and then ashes of creation waiting room.

Edit: oh man holycow that vid was so sad and so so true. Maybe sad because of how true it really is.

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9/23 – Diablo 2: Resurrected!!!



I never played d2 but I might give that a shot. Seems like a game I can kick back on the couch and play on my laptop.

Any chance it’s coming to the switch?

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It’s cross-platform: PC, Xbox 1/S/X, PS4/5, Nintendo Switch.


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Just a warning, if you’re a heavy clicker, some people went through multiple mice playing the original Diablo 2.

It’s important to have good posture, a relaxed wrist, light clicking, and proper hydration.


Lol not a heavy clicker but thanks for the heads up. How many hours does it take to beat the game?

Oh, not that long. Maybe like 1 or 2 hours per Act? And there are like 4 or 5 Acts.

And multiple difficulties.

People get through Normal pretty quickly.

It’s the grinding for the RNG gear on the hardest difficulty so you can create awesome builds that eats up the rest of your time.

There’s also a hardcore mode that offers a markedly different gameplay experience, because it’s over the moment you die. So, it adds a whole level of danger, and people use more defensive builds and see how high they can climb on the ladder. It’s scary and exhilarating, especially if you experience random internet disconnects or if your power randomly flickers.


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Suddenly more interested in d2

I’m about the same. Having fun, just enjoying leveling many characters

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Hmmmm, about how long does it take to level a toon 1-70 in TBCC, as a casual side-project?

As I continue to monitor the TBCC forum, I’m starting to get the itch to jump in myself :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Oh and, what’s the “big” Alliance server?

According to the forums the Horde has “1 hour” queue times for BGs, and at the end of such a queue you allegedly get matched up against a premade, stomped, and then put back into another long queue.

I don’t really have any reason to believe so many different posters could be lying.

The sheer amount of complain threads and “merc mode” discussions still popping up makes me think they are telling the truth. So it would definitely have to be an Alliance alt.

Well… I started playin classic in Feb and I’m at 57 on my highest toon.

I don’t think I’m a very good example lol.

*on the new house front- everything passed inspection/appraisal and we are cleared and have a closing date so it’s as official as it can be without having actually received the keys


Also depends on what you’re leveling. Prot pallies and mages AoE’ing mobs vs a spriest wanding solo pulls. :rofl:

Back from a week on the beach and ready to level past 68 on the spriest before finishing up the mage. Anyone hit 70 yet? Checking to see where I stand in the race. :wink:


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How’s 9.1?


Same-faction bgs in Classic.

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