BG forums lounge (Part 1)

BC hasn’t got much hype because of how Blizz handled it, fast release, no build up, don’t really think the game interests people that much either.

Comparative launches for figures.
Classic launch twitch 1 million viewers.
Shadowlands launch twitch 880k viewers
BC launch twitch 330k viewers

World first race Classic saw someone break the viewership record of twitch for most people watching one channel.
BC race had 90% less viewers that time.

Also no one was watching the guild that cleared every BC phase 1 raid already, comparative to Classic world first molten core, around 150k viewers less lmao.

Some huge disparity of hype there.

Worth noting Classic released ~2months after the Azshara patch on retail. The game in general was much healthier. BC release feels rushed because that’s probably what they did - rush release it to give some life back to the game, especially as we still seem far off from 9.1.

I’m glad people are having fun though! I went back and forth on whether to play BC :laughing:

Those are interesting but don’t distract from my point. Among the current playerbase, TBC has way more hype than SL. The WoW universe overall may not have what it did hype wise. Grobb is as lively as I had hoped and not as bad as I expected but idk how many layers get up and running prime time.

Considering how many hordies in crappy gear that think they can get away with trying to gank us, it’s obvious a lot of people returned to classic at least for now. People who’ve been playing even if on boosted toons would recognize the gear and think better of it.

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That point is pretty like obvious though. Shadowlands has been in 9.0 since 23rd of November 2020. Longest patch, SL virtually is in the longest waiting period the game has seen. Of course a brand new expansion is going to have more hype then a 6+ month old patch :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

As Bynir said BC was a rushed to give life AKA quarter subs back so Bobby can buy some more properties. BC, WOTLK, CATA are my favourite expansions in the game, BC was the first time I really understood WoW and PVPd, but BC has released rather quietly, and without the boosts it would’ve been less quiet. Classic launch I couldn’t log even log in for half a day for over a week, can log into the streamer server without queues, so they didn’t even hit their server capacity. Acti forcing out only harmed the game.

Btw, this has no correlation lmao. I play on your server and 2v1d yesterday in hellfire with a fresh lvl 58 boost. I oom so fast but killed the 60s.

That’s some sad sht right there man.

A brand new 2007 expansion more exciting than the current game…

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BC releasing was more exciting than every single current game out there right for a lot of people. Everything that has a honey moon phase is exciting until it’s not. so not really.

It’s sad that a re-release of a game is more popular than current games.

That’s all.

Just says a lot about the industry and the players that a decade plus old game would hold more excitement (with literally zero new in it) than anything currently out.

If that’s not sad than I have a 1994 Buick le sabre to sell you that I’ve reskinned like a new car.


yeah well gaming industry is pretty lack luster nowadays.
there’s just brs & mobas right now that are popular, and gta 5 is one of the most popular games still. nothing new and innovative popular atm.

The new house hunt began today.


Good luck, the housing market is insane right now.

Yeah the one we went to look at today had multiple offers made and one accepted between the time we confirmed the showing (10 am) and actually going to the showing (2pm) :flushed::rofl:

The one we’re going to tomorrow morning we’re actually the first ones to get a showing so here’s hoping it’s nice.

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Crazy how I remember buying gtaV when it came out in 2013?

That and rdr2.

Rockstar makes some games.

But yea, thinking of great games so many are older - hell the Skyrim remake was a huge sell instead of making a new elder scrolls.

Witcher 3 is old af now but is still tops of games to play.

IMO it’s all the monetization. Even rockstar has gotten hard into it milking gta online and rdro hard.

I get it - why work hard to make something good if you can work like crap and get paid just as well.

Just a bummer on the gamer end to see an endless stream of general crap or remakes.

And I say this as someone who played ff7 remake which was 1/3 of a game at full game price.

That reminded me of that ashes of creation guy a couple weeks ago roasting amazon’s new world for the cash shop before it even releases. Then he goes back and says sorry/kinda sorry/not really because he wants all the mmos to succeed to revive the genre.

He could’ve been pretty selfish there and giggled as a competitor hurts their product indirectly making his that much better but he got upset at them being dumb and ruining their game. It gives me hope at least that a decent game made by people who care is potentially on the horizon. Maybe after classic wrath ashes will come out.

Good luck!

I keep seeing news reports about sellers getting multiple cash offers way above asking price.

I saw an article the other day about buyers trying to sweeten the deal by letting the seller stay in their sold home for a couple of extra months or letting the seller stay for free at their vacation home.

Sounds insane right now.


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Yeah, I bought GTA 5 on my xbox 360 when it came out, it’s still popular with two generations passed.

V true though, gaming rn stale for many reasons including covid, but definitely the industry milkers. Cyberpunk is an example of hope turned to fail.

WoW is finally having its diminishing return now too, I don’t care what classic defenders say, BC launch was a blender for their numbers. It got doubled by by Shadowlands ( as it should ) the modern game is what people want to be good. SL had a strong few months and then turned into a disaster because of time of patch and you can’t even defend it for COVID at this point, I can’t fathom why it’s taking so long, it’s like they don’t have the team numbers to pump out content.

But Blizzard is hitting the DR right now that their hopes of a pump $$$ from TBC hasn’t hit anywhere near expectations if we view it from the interest POV. SL has to have a strong 9.2 & 9.3 because Blizzard is in a complete disaster state RN.

No Blizzcon this year which means no expansion announcement, no game announcements in general. Jeff Kaplan left Blizzard and after seeing the OW2 gameplay, it’s clear why. OW2 will be a fail, it’s a patch upgrade being charged as a full upgrade.

Diablo 4 could be good though, but they haven’t got anything in the pipe line to make them a stream of money except WoW subs & micros.

Then there’s Ashes Of Creation the low key threat, actually looking good. They released a video the other day of their siege fights, they want to release it as 200 v 200, the alpha they did was 100 v 100 and it performed amazingly well, hardly no lag, where as WoW lags with 40v40.

If Ashes Of Creation fixes the combat, it can truly take out WoW.

On other note, if you want a good game to play Chivarly 2 beta was fun, and is coming out in a few days. Better than this hard trash recycled content of an old exp imo :slight_smile:

Well we put in an offer on a house today over asking but didn’t make any other strange concessions so :crossed_fingers:

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My house is for sale if you get desperate rofl

That’s a long commute in the morning, from TN to MI

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Yeah, but MI doesn’t hold Bigfoot festivals.

We might someday, they’re workin ‘ on it.

Our Sasquatch society has an actual webpage and everything.