BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Lol yeah they loved sending people everywhere before they got their mount. Even mount speeds though. Was taking me forever to cross felwood haha… Good ol’ classic

You’re alliance on Grob right?

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Yep, alliance on Grobb. I love this realm, it’s been a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see the chaos in Outlands.

Also can’t wait for horde to get Belf rets who don’t cleanse, BoP or do any real damage in PvP while alliance get to bring the pain with shammies. :wink:

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Draenei suck… But I’ll be there lol…

Welcome to old ED… I’m looking forward to it.


Everyone who’s anyone is alliance on Grob.

And me


I can just summon you to ratchet on my lock.

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In a bizarre way, I do think this added to the depth of the world. It encouraged players (certainly new ones that didn’t know any better) to explore the world and realize just how big it is. Retail is so streamlined with conveniences that the world feels small.

I’ll forever remember that run from Menethil all the way to Ironforge.


That would be awesome. I need seduce 'cause feared targets sometimes bring friends back with them. :grin:

I have ran lowbie nightelves through Wetlands many times to quest in Azeroth. I called it the death run, one shot by so many crocs.

But I do agree that as annoying as it sometimes is to walk (what feels like) the entirety of Azeroth, it’s part of the appeal to classic as well. I’ve actually enjoyed leveling for the first time in many years.

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The wife and I just spent last night doing the Cortello’s riddle quest line, which took us to StV, then Swamp of Sorrows then Dustwallow, and finally jumping off a waterfall in the Hinterlands. It was great fun.

Classic leveling has been fun to the point where we’re probably gonna roll fresh alts after the split with nothing on a different server, just so we can experience it again (occasionally, there’s blood elves that need clobberin’)


My wife wants to try her hand at healing, so I need another classic Paladin.

Since i already have a Human, the question- Majestic Beard (Dwarf) or the Waggle (Draenei)

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If playing classic, I’d strongly suggest 2h war tanking while leveling. I healed my bro all the way to 60 on my priest and he never put a shield on. 2 manned a lot of instances too.

It’ll probably be TBC classic.

Plus warriors are dumb and speak in single syllable words, so they are unworthy of a sophisticated cow man such as myself.


Ohh my bad. I thought you were meaning vanilla classic after they split everyone.

I don’t see Gnome in those options. Don’t give me any “but…but…pally” or “but…but…healer” excuses either. I offer the keys to the Corvette and you people keep getting behind the wheel of some junk yard reject.

I took a screenshot of two dead mages in cath from a few nights ago. Mini something and Jordeano or something similar. Can’t remember their names exactly.

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Huh, I wonder how something like that could happen. It’s like it would take some pally pulling half the instance at once or something.



He guzzled a speed pot and then …


I was expecting a carry and wasn’t thinking of the women and children.

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Makes no sense to have to grind so hard for some crappy honor gear.

I’m not feeling much of an incentive to renew my sub. I’m not really enjoying any of this right now.