BG forums lounge (Part 1)

It took almost 4 hours to win a BG tonight :frowning: Iā€™m falling into my addicted ways. Definitely not renewing my sub. Ugh why WoW gotta be like thisā€¦

Does that mean there wonā€™t be that many forum people playing on Grobbulus anymore?

Maybe I wonā€™t use a boost then.


Nah this is just a side project, not something weā€™re going to do a lot. Gonna be spending most of our time on Grobbulus, this realm has been fantastic.

Still leveling my current Paladin by getting my face pushed in by mobs. But tonight it should be a lot better since Iā€™ll have an actual taunt!

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Iā€™m just looking forward to less extreme distances for my many corpse runs so I donā€™t feel so obliged to just spirit res and wear broken armor.

Also, free respec.

And thanks JD for dragging me back inā€¦


*insert 10000 twitch emotes

Last night we did a ZF run with 4 Paladins and a mage.

Doing that tonight will be AoE heaven.

Also no corpse runs because the few times we did wipe we were always able to save it with Divine Intervention.

How Iā€™ve missed you DI.

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Remember Alf? Heā€™s back - in pog form!

(Thatā€™s my attempt at putting a gif in)

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I tried to solo hogger at level 10. Almost got him using bombs and everything.

After an hour of corpse runs from goldshire and broken gear I gave upā€¦

Thatā€™d be a feat of strength in itself

Dude. Got so close. Popping evasion, using the quest rewards, gouge bandage, etc

Just be a Paladin instead of a rogue.

Easy peasy

But I look soooo good. Plus Iā€™ve grown so rogue accustomed since retail.

Honestly canā€™t decide what to play tbcā€¦

Rogue maybe spriestā€¦ donā€™t know how hard it is to alt or what things will look like group wise.

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Since Iā€™m playing tank I went for the most punchable face possible. I think I did it.

Might go back to holy since everyone is going Prot right now;itā€™s super difficult to find heals atm.


One ganks me when getting on and off the boats.

The other mcā€™s me into camps and laughs as I fight for my life.

Rogue is probably the single handedly most op class in all of tbc. Legit ridiculous with prep lolā€¦ Spriest is good in PvP and PvE so thereā€™s that.

I will of course be doing a shaman like a sadist. Rogues wreck them and there will be a lot of rogues lol


All I hear is warlock warlock warlock about tbc (never played myself).

Prior to my recently ended 3 month hiatus I was rocking rogue almost exclusively, and it always seems to be my go to chill class (wod, legion, some reason skipped bfa).

Retail spoiled me with mana being meaningless. I struggle so hard as a caster in classic.

Spriest rotation (tested out the 58 templates on classic ptr) feels the smoothest. VT, sw:p, mb, mflay all things I know and comprehend.

The only negative of rogue for me is lack of group utility.

You ally grobbulus with the rest of us?

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Oh god I get Spiritual Focus today

An actual taunt AND good Mana Regen?! What is this sorcery.

Warlock is probably the best caster. Still, I donā€™t think thereā€™s a single class out there that can beat a rogue in a duel with all their CDs thanks to prep. Itā€™s insane man.

PvE wise this is somewhat true for sureā€¦ Dungeons and stuff you have sap, blind and kidney though. All have value. Raids a bit weaker.

I have 57 tauren druid on a different server with a rl buddy who will be maining rogue. We will be scum Lord stealth gankers. I have plans to play level a drenai shaman though on Grob. Probably going to wait a week for people to burn out though :joy: when people hop back to mains will be my time to level.

I was 100% boosting a rogue after the dust settles and I had a minute or two of free time but then I watched some tbc starfire crit videos earlier and now Iā€™m torn on boomy or rogue. Crits higher than your current health pool on pve targets.

Looking at it from a more wpvp perspective.

Did you get the name you wanted reserved Forums? You were looking for an anime based name right?

Iā€™m just gonna assume every 58+ character w an anime name I see from this point on is you.