BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yeah I didn’t really get that either but I only use it like once or twice a week anyway so I wasn’t to bothered by it

I can’t wait to spam trade chat with my WTS murloc eye 4s each

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Macro: /yell WTS murloc eye 3s 99c

cuz that’s how you win the ah game.



Lol this is getting spun by players in the worst possible light.


I thought this comment summed it up nicely.

“Blizz doesn’t listen to our complaints!” /hate
“Blizz only listened because we complained!” /hate

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Wow the first move they’ve made in a while that makes sense :roll_eyes: high enough to discourage gold sellers or whatever but low enough normal people can afford it. Plus they’ll actually probably make more money off it now.

The og prices were absolutely nuts.

I was expecting $10. $15 was at the upper end of possibility.

Part of me wonders if they were planning $15 all along, but they were worried players would get upset that the price wasn’t $10 or lower. So, they did this ridiculous $35 thing to setup this situation where they can appear “reasonable” by lowering the price.

Maybe, but I do kind of buy their explanation where they were basing the price off other services.

Its a unique service. It’s like a combination better boost and server transfer. I can see their thought process in coming up with their price point. (Regardless of my personal feelings on of its a good one)

I’m not going to attribute to malice where simple ignorance can explain it too.

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After all these years of WoW, they didn’t also think $35 was ridiculous?



Just confirms they’re a bit out of touch with their playerbase.


I can live with that. Glad they actually listened to the feedback.


They said they play their own game but what player was willing to pay $35 for this? lol…

I’m glad they listened to feedback obviously but this is one of those things where they shouldn’t have had to listen to feedback imo.

Growing up, dad should’ve never had to tell me to not touch the electric fence. It should be a given that it’s a dumb idea to touch the electric fence in the first place.


With how many people play this game though and would play tbc they have no idea how much people could or would pay for something like this. To me and many many other people who are playing tbc 35 dollars to save around 72 hours of play time is well worth it because of the lack of time. However someone who maybe doesn’t have the money must atleast have the time to get from 1-58.

I thought 35 dollars was probably the best price to start because its high but not that high and it could go up and down very easily.

never really noticed how much I used the AH until it went down.



On the other hand, I have more free time now. I think I spent more time browsing the AH trying to make 2 silver so I can afford riding than leveling my toon.

Someday, I’ll break level 50 in Classic! (Probably using a boost.)


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Same. Im getting there (45 now)



I leveled my druid from fresh 56 to 57 yesterday (all rest exp). Holy hell leveling in classic is slow :joy: here’s to hoping the exp boost is decent (it looked like the way it was worded, it would scale up the higher you got)


55-60 is brutal, for sure. I leveled 58+ right as honor went live. LHC was not friendly to us levelers and BRD was 24/7 ganking.

We also get mounts at 30 in tbc. I swear the vanilla devs had a cruel sense of humor for pre-40 quests. Take this note to SW, now take this note to Lakeshire (no fp) and then go to Darkshire (no fp) and back to SW with another note. After that, might as well go to Darn with this bottle of who knows what because why not and we want you to run to MH to get on a boat because, that’s right, you don’t have the fp!


How about the druid water form… Sending you all the way to the coast of Westfall? I waited until 40 to do that quest :joy: Blizzard almost seems sadistic haha

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My lock has a quest to get her succubus in Ratchet at level 20. A human warlock, who would have to walk to MH to take a boat to Darn and walk to Ratchet from there… she doesn’t have her succy yet and probably won’t til after she gets a mount. :rofl:

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