BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I probably would’ve cloned a character for $10. $35 is a no way no how lol. I’d just level a new char instead since that’s half the game of classic.


I was expecting $10 too.

Idk how they came up with the $35 price tag.

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Ion grew up on a dairy farm.


If anything I might clone the bank toon, so it could bankroll any future classic character I may roll.

But since I can choose to clone it whenever I’d have to choose to roll a classic era toon first.

I thought about cloning my hunter and maybe pushing rank on her but no way no how now. I’d have grumbled but paid $10. I can get new games for $35 Blizzard. You’re tempting me in the opposite direction, away from your game(s). Valheim $20 on Steam and I hear good things about it. Hell, I’m having difficulty seeing why I would pay $10.

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But if you don’t get at least Marshall I’m gonna have to acknowledge Jadei as the superior PvPer.


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General is way better than Marshal.


sorry, just bringing up the fact that you’re a bull.

Anywho’s if hanging out by the leaf hut in wsg for hours on end counts as superior, then yes, she certainly is.

Me: Down to 5% health, dots ticking, trying to get to leaf.

Jadei: Grabs leaf at full health “But I was down to half mana!!!”

Me: :skull: then :ghost: then :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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^ This.

It’s like they ran the numbers and for some reason decided they want to keep the number of players using their cloning service as low as possible.

Or maybe there was some sort of internal challenge to see if they can merge every single realm onto one physical server.

We may be underestimating the number of people who are really attached to their classic characters.

I am very intrigued by that… I’m only interested in tbc. Same with most of my friends. Still vanilla private servers were by far the biggest

For me TBC is just the stepping stone I need to get to my true endgame: punching Arthas in the face for all eternity


Wrath is the only expansion I didn’t really play (RL stuff). I’d be interested in trying to for sure. Tbc was my first hard core expac though so my best friend and I are gonna crush it.


Deathknights and deathgrip. I have not missed them!

I loved Wrath, but never forget deathgrip ping pong in PvP in the early days.

I wanted to keep classic era characters for various reasons, but mostly to have 60s ready to go should I choose to play classic WoW at any point in the future. I won’t be doing it at $35 though. I expected it to be under $20 tbh.

Maybe Blizzard will eventually lower the price.

Unless they purposefully made it a high price in order to decrease the number of toons that get activated as clones. Perhaps they’re hoping to merge all the players remaining in Vanilla onto one physical server to decrease costs or something.

Thats the excuse they’ve used for server transfers under the guise of maintaining server health (A laughable premise at this state in the game involving cross realm zones) which definitely made sense at the time it came out.

Theres no excusing what they’re doing with this.

If you’re still PvPing in classic this may be important to you

Also the AH is closing on the 14th until the prepatch.

Not sure how that AH closing thing makes any sense. At least not 4 days in advance of the cloning thing becoming available.

I know if you’re faction switching or something that in-game mail causes issues… Might be something they’re trying to avoid

Is faction switching a limited time thing as well? I can see it for that but I’m of a mindset that the players need to be responsible for making sure their auctions are done and mail collected beforehand. If they are willing to fork over $35 then they ought to be willing to check their mail first. :laughing: