BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I actually sprinkled flowers all over the streets of Stormwind.

It was nice you should have been there.


I would say grats but my back is sore from carrying you through (at least until my bedtime of 11pm est) every single night. You and I both know if you didn’t have someone to fuss at you would be rank 10 rn. :laughing:


Your dm is the same time as my post. Suspect!

Having played classic for the past year and a half, it’s a reminder of why I fell in love with this game, but it’s also a reminder of why some of the QoL changes were made over the years in retail. Classic certainly isn’t flawless and I don’t expect classic TBC will be either, but it’s basic and simple and fun.

If people enjoy SL character progression, that’s great. It isn’t for everyone. Legion followed by BfA crushed my soul. I lost all interest before SL. I prefer simple and basic after years of playing this game. Reinventing the wheel ceased to be fun a few expansions ago for me.


Your lord and master, Marshall Jadei :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Uh… These prices for TBC Classic…

Dark Portal Pass - $39.99

  • Boost one character on a Burning Crusade Classic realm to level 58 (limit one per World of Warcraft account; not usable on blood elf or draenei characters).

Deluxe Edition - $69.99

  • The Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, a creature that draws on the otherworldly energies that transformed Draenor into Outland, for use only in Burning Crusade Classic and designed to match the look of the original expansion
  • The Viridian Phase-Hunter mount, a variant for use in modern World of Warcraft (including Shadowlands) and reflecting the game’s current visual style
  • A Dark Portal Hearthstone for use in Burning Crusade Classic, providing a unique visual effect inspired by the gateway between worlds
  • The Path of Illidan toy for Burning Crusade Classic, which causes your character’s footsteps to leave flickering fel fire in their wake for a short time
  • The Dark Portal Pass, which boosts one character to level 58 (same restrictions as standalone Dark Portal Pass apply; cannot be combined with standalone Dark Portal Pass purchase)
  • 30 days of World of Warcraft game time, providing access to WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic, and the modern game

Character cloning service - $35 per character

  • Allow players to continue playing a copy of an existing character on a Classic Era realm while also advancing into Burning Crusade Classic .




Yikes indeed. $35 to clone?

Those prices make me sad. Retailing the classic version of this game. :frowning:

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Yes. I’m kinda speechless.

I guess their investors will be happy?

It seems like their business analysts determined players who use the cloning service the most have plenty of disposable income, so they might as well get as much money as they can from their whales.

At some point, I’m guessing Blizzard will free the names of characters that don’t get cloned. So, if players don’t pay the fee, they’ll eventually lose their toons’ names in Classic or TBC.

For 320k gold (current market) we can clone our character in another world.
Now we have two characters to play.
Value is there.

Are you talking about WoW tokens?

Because two WoW tokens are worth $30 Blizzard balance. You need to get a third token to cover the $35 fee.


What would be total retail gold in comparison?

Can’t you just roll a new character on the other realm to save the name?

Well, the names are saved by your deactivated clones. It would suck to delete your toon and start over from level 1 just to keep its name.

I’m wondering if Blizzard will someday announce that they’re freeing the names on deactivated clones. Guess we’ll see.

“Your character will remain on the same realm it was before pre-patch. For example, if you played on Ashbringer in WoW Classic, you can activate your character on Classic Era Ashbringer, or on Progression Ashbringer, or pay to activate both”


“Beginning May 18 with the launch of the Burning Crusade Classic pre-expansion patch, WoW Classic players will choose whether to progress each of their characters to Burning Crusade Classic with the rest of their realm, or continue playing the original WoW Classic content on brand-new Classic Era realms also launching that day.”

I’m getting confused, I guess my “brand-new Classic Era realm” will have the same name as my current Classic Era realm?

I think so, except it’ll also be labeled as “Classic Era”.

Your current Classic realm will be upgraded to a Progression realm in TBC.

If you want to stay in Classic, they’re creating a new “Classic Era” realm with the same name, but it’ll be marked as “Classic Era”.

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Will you stay, progress or choose to do both?
Last choice seems like the best option.

ashes of creation is the only hope now.

Seems… ok? It’s not a service I plan on using. It’s cheaper than retails, right?

Lol. No thanks blizzard I’ve already bought it once.


Wouldn’t basically all the classic servers die when tbc releases since the majority of the playerbase will level on? I know many are attached to their character’s name but if you don’t have anyone to play with then what’d be the point? Them making new realms and merging all the ones staying behind onto it makes sense really.

Also, unless that deluxe mount flies then I don’t see the point since you will default to a flying mount instead of a ground mount aside from bgs.

I wasn’t sure what’s going to happen.

Are Classic players staying in Vanilla? Or do most of them plan to go into TBC?

From everyone I’ve talked with the consensus on Grobbulus seems to be moving on.

Granted I’ve only talked with a small fraction of people in the sever, but i get the same feeling while perusing the Grob discord and Reddit.

I don’t have any toons worth cloning.

My Paladin is at 41, and this guild is planning on moving on.
My Druid is at 17 and guildless atm.
My hunter is at 15 and in an all dwarf RP guild so I can RP about ale and having a majestic beard
My bank warrior goes with the Paladin, it has all my money.
And my dwarf priest just sits in the Lions Pride inn to occasionally give away mageweave bags and a shiny gold piece to help fledgling adventurers

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Yeah, the cloning price is going to hit the players who were planning on staying active in both Classic Era and Progressive TBC.

Maybe they’re a tiny portion of the playerbase, but that still sucks for them.