BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I’m super curious … Most MMOs are PvE focused. League is a PvP game though. What will be the focus of their MMO? PvP or PvE… I sincerely hope it’s PvP lol

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I dont know how mcuh I’d play the Riot MMO. Ive never played league, I tried some Runterra but I’m so invested in MtG at this pooint of my life its hard to pay other card games.

Also I logged into my retail character with plans on running a mythic or BG and when I got there I said “Nah self you good” and started leveling a hunter in classic.

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Even so, I’m rooting hard for Riot’s MMO because it’s clear Blizzard needs a serious competitor to give them more motivation to provide better gameplay.


Every single game tonight has been an absolute wipe. How can horde even stand to play such unevenly matched battles day-in and day-out? Does it not bore you? I’m super bored by it, which is the reason I’ll never roll horde, but gosh tonight was utterly demoralizing. The only thing that kept me going was a first-half domination of Silvershard Mines, and our team literally just stopped trying…for no reason…and lost. Been loss after loss after that. I usually don’t care too much about losses, but only when there’s a win or two in between. Think I had one Deepgorge win, but out of at least 10 games come on…

Alliance needs an OP racial to get more decent players back on our side…it is what it is, PVP is not balanced in its current state and Horde shouldn’t complain when they obviously have more PvP’ers…

You need to hcange your culture, it is a problem. I do not want to roll Ally where trade chat is even worst than on Horde ED. Ally(people who plaies them) are nuts

i think pvp focused mmorpgs are not a good thing. there’s so many in the pipeline right now that aren’t looking too hot. Crowfall for one.

The game needs a perfect balance of PVE & PVP, maybe even 60% PVE and 40% PVP. People want story, lore, raids, dungeons, world content, battlegrounds, arena, wpvp.

Ok Marvel.

I’m more interested in this movie now.


Yea I have no idea how new world even is aside from watching asmongold highlights of it way back. I just saw an article stating they pushed back release because of them working on more end game content but it didn’t say what.

I think I agree with this. It’s gotta have both though for me to consider it. What I can’t figure out is why other mmos haven’t tried to copy wow’s responsiveness. Like just spamming q and e to strafe, why does that feel so responsive in wow versus other games where your character doesn’t even move or if they do it’s extremely sluggish.

The only decent mmo’s on the horizon with any potential right now is Riot’s, Ashes of Creation, and whatever dreamhaven puts together in 10 years lol.


i will miss jeff, but ultimately OW went into a downward trend with him at the helm.

Anybody got any horde on grobbulus? Needing a level 30 alliance killed. Will pay gold.


If only I had rolled Horde :cry:

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Last night I was giving away Mageweave bags in Goldshire on classic, and it was harder than I thought it would be.

People were so convinced i was trolling them somehow. When the third person vouched that I actually was just giving them away, that’s when the floodgates opened.


Too funny… How suspicious people can be… I have to say I’ve had some good experiences on classic. Way more people doing helpful things like giving out bags. I log in to retail and people don’t say anything to each other and just try to tag things asap lol…


Anyone remember the cave in East Commonlands where people would hand out SoW buffs in EQ?

you cant afford me

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Jokes on you chump! I don’t have a level 30 right now.


Price it!!

Also squeek people are in line to kill you for free

