BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Whoa whoa whoa there tiny gnome, I don’t want to be a Belf, but I do want to be a Paladin, and if we roll Horde toons I won’t have a lot of choice.

Also gnomes can’t be Paladins or Druids so it’s unlikely I’ll play one. Unless I decide to try mage or warlock, but that’s just crazy talk.

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“Honey? Does this lipstick make my butt look big?”

-Every male belf at least once in their lives


I think we’re limited to one faction on PvP realms in Classic.

Did Blizzard remove the faction restriction in BC? Or are you going to change realms?

You should create a second ssid “For the Alliance”, but limit the throughput to like 1Mbps…for the Gnomes.

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We’d probably pick a different PvP realm for the Horde toons.

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Don’t do it! We are going to be overrun with belfs. Even worse than the current gnome invasion. :nauseated_face:

Sound advice.

I will have a cute Draenei shammy.

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I probably will too. Maybe I’ll actually level this one.

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wod system returns, rip pvp gear being the best gear in the game. :pleading_face:

When Blizzard transferred this competitive SC2 designer/dev/player to the WoW team, I had hope for the future of WoW PvP.


Wow, five months on the wow team and was he was like, “yeah I been here for 14 years but I’m good, thanks ya’ll.”

Of course, this could be him leaving because he has a better opportunity but I’m here for salt, not rationality.

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I’m bummed the LOTR MMO is getting cancelled, given Amazon’s track record though this might be a blessing in disguise.

However, I’m pretty excited to see what Riot comes up with.

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I figured they cancel it with new world on the horizon. Speaking of which, I’m curious what all end game content they’ve decided to put into the game. Supposedly it’s enough for them to push back their release date.

I also think the riot mmo will be huge.

The strange thing about New World is, with this shift to dungeons, battlegrounds etc. where does that leave the open world PvP? Are you going to have to be in an enormous zerg guild to take part in the territory wars? I never did like their idea of instanced keep battles. I guess the engine can only support so many people at once, but whatever. I just want a three-realm open world siege system. Something between old school DAoC and ESO. I hate the fact that every class in the game can stealth in ESO. You can be riding around in a small group and bam, 40 people with nothing better to do than 40 v 2 you from stealth…

GW2 WvWvW was good for a while, then they went crazy with additional spec lines per class with each expansion. AoE caps on small roaming groups makes it so that zerg blobs always have the advantage.

Looking forward to the Riot MMO, but how long will the wait be…

Big sad. I really like the LotR IP. Thought it had a lot of potential on paper. Amazon’s track record with online games is just sad so far.

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Yeah Amazon’s track record so far is abysmal. The behind the scenes articles I’ve read about what’s been going on at their studio sounds like a nightmare. You gotta love tech company’s hubris, “hey we are amazing at everything we have done so far and our methods can totally be applied to any industry we choose”. Unless Amazon decides to take their hands off and hire actual game industry execs to run things, they are dead in the water.

Riot (toxic sexual harassing bro culture aside) has emerged as the company to beat. And they seem to be absorbing quite a bit of talent too.

Especially with Ghostcrawler there.

He’s probably assembling an experienced team of MMO designers/devs who he personally knows are really good.


Imagine his pitch to people he’s recruiting: Come join us and get better compensation. You get to design/build a brand new MMO. You’re not constrained by legacy content/systems/designs from 8+ previous expansions.

2025 is a long time away budds


Surely Star Citizen, Camelot Unchained and or Ashes of Creation will be out by then, wink wink