BG forums lounge (Part 1)

They’re doing their best to get us Canadians! Their conversion rate for the dollar is only like 7$ over what it should be :expressionless:


Yeah, the Dreamhaven team that is being assembled looks like the freakin Avengers of game development. Of course, given the long-standing ethos of that team, I might be retired by the time we see a game from them but I am so excited to see what they come up with.


On the other hand, Blizzard still has…


Give please!


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Yeah I hope I’m still able to work a mouse and keyboard by the time a game comes out from them. Hope it’s not too many years before whatever their big project will be comes out.

I did like D2…I liked the original Starcraft too but replaying it a couple years ago and eh. If it comes with an active account I’ll try it again.


Looking back now, I think D2 is my most favorite game ever.

WoW is really fun when PvP is more balanced, the power gap isn’t so large, and you play with/against good friends. Unfortunately, WoW falls apart for me when those conditions aren’t met.

D2 was amazingly fun/addictive for me, even when I was playing solo.

I never played much Diablo 2. In 2000 I was playing more console games and Magic: the Gathering instead of PC titles.

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Yeah I would really get into it for awhile then put it aside for a few weeks before getting into it again. I play Grim Dawn now whenever I get that itch. I find it better than D2 (more customization and player agency) and it’s what D3 should have been imo. I’ll still try D2 for free if it is and see if it still holds up.

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Speaking of consoles, I have to say as a certified “Boomer Gamer” I am loving the value of the XBOX Game Pass. I only have it for PC right now but the second I don’t have to make a mortgage payment to get one, I’m getting an xbox too. This Netflix of Games is great for someone like me who doesn’t get around to playing new games until like 1 -2 years after they come out. And with their Bethesda purchase and their agreement with EA the catalog is freaking DEEP.

Outside of a very short list of very specific games, this will be my way now.

As a man with Heroes of Might and Magic 1-3 installed on my computer, I very much identify with this term.

I’m v curious about ptr next week if they follow through with the wod gearing system, and how the community will react to it. will the sides just switch where the casuals rejoice, and the hard-cores, semi hard players complain.

gonna be a juicy forum week.

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Were you so engrossed in your other games that you didn’t really play Diablo 2?

Or you didn’t find Diablo 2 to be that fun?

Do you think they are going put anything other than the raid on PTR*?

*Specifically speaking about next week when it goes live.

Well magic did take a lot of my time.

Also just wasn’t big into computer games in general at the time. Mostly played JRPGs

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I hope you find Diablo 2 more enjoyable this time around.


I liked d2 for sure, played through it twice. I don’t think I’ll be doing it this time around though. It didn’t have the sticking power for me. Played a lot more SC and wc3 back in the day. Something about the top down dungeon crawlers never got me, d2 is the only one that kept me for any length of time though.

I’m hoping the ptr is front loaded with a lot of the content and system changes because it’s been so delayed that I hope they’ve got a lot done.

could be the reverse and be a ptr adds something weekly which I hope isn’t the case :sweat_smile: I’m really looking forward to patch 9.1 and I’m hoping it’s mostly done that it can be released early June.


Looks like WoW streamers got D2 alpha access:

10 am PDT today.

My wife just made me Setup our new wifi ssid as “For the Horde” but we’ve been playing alliance…

I fear I may be swapping to Horde when Bliod Elves become a thing in classic.


Play the underdog! Always! I’ve been horde since vanilla but the faction imbalance is annoying. Miss the moo

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I just threw up a little in my mouth. Saying you want to be a belf when you could be a gnome is like saying you want to be the water boy when you could be the star quarterback.