BG forums lounge (Part 1)

For the longest time, I was a big “Faction war is sacred, can’t not do it” guy and now…

It’s over. Just let us play with our friends.


Is there a faction imbalance in Classic? Or it depends on the server?

Some servers have major imbalance or so I’ve heard, but the one I’m on is pretty balanced. I think overall population is pretty balanced too.

Edit - And no paid faction changes. Not so easy to jump to the FotM faction.

Bug: Players managed to find the PvP vendors.


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those be the best lvling zones in forever me thinks.

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I finally got logged in right after making a stupid forum post in cs but the wife couldn’t get logged in for another 40 minutes or so. Then we had phasing issues and ended up finally grouping up in bastion. That zone is probably the best looking zone and may have passed old nagrand on my list. We only got through the southern half of the zone and I must admit the characters seem fairly helpless and weak.

Looking forward to maldraxxus.

I still remember trying to read every quest in bfa launch and started in voldun. After about the 3rd quest with the little fox, I was already over it and just went into auto pilot on the mini map and burned through it as fast as possible. Very painful.


Alliance zones were pretty good imo for bfa. I like drustvar and stormsong.

Horde zones are just zug zug troll troll cannibal oooh pyramid reggae music trolls and we don’t wear shoes mon.

Bastion looks like it was made for beta paladins. Maldraxxis ultra chad.


Yeah they kicked the heck out of the horde ones. I liked voldun except for the stupid foxes lol.

Not cool lol

Gonna start the journey tonight.


Currently loving the pvp without the bull*&!# corruption, and the current gearing for pvp only is real smooth.

yeah pvp right now is smooth, so much incentive to do it.
also weekly BG quests and wpvp quests being in already is <3

If you live in the USA, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and stay safe.


It’s kind of bonkers how much honor you get and the price of the pieces.

Not a complaint for me, just hope it doesn’t get nerfed down. It was nice grabbing trinkets quickly.

Man, I’ve been loving my rogue and MM hunter. I got both to 60 and geared out in M stuff. I can kill most people before they can even trinket on my rogue, I haven’t had one person survive me opening on them yet, outside of paladins who panic bubble before I can one-shot them.

so i’ve done everything i need to do for week 1 on my main except farm some BGS to upgrade a few slots.

can confirm
lvling = best in a while, maybe ever subjectively.
progression systems are super clean at this current time.
pvp system and the honor you earn is really good making it super easy to get 171 item lvl pvp gear, and 198 soon. lots of incentive to do BGs right now.
PVP just feels like it matters in the game right now, and it’ll continue to do so with conquest. big step forward.

as for the PVE content, really good. Tor is amazing. Cov abils are fun and everything tied into it.

No real sink grind as of now. Things looking good.


Yea this expansion is looking to be one of the best. It kinda feels like cata to bfa was all filler and this was the next expansion after wrath.

My only complaint is the intro quests after hitting 60. It could’ve been where I did them while the kids were up and I was getting interrupted a lot but it seemed like an eternity to get those done.

Also hats off to the art team for the best visuals ever.


Convoke the Spirits is hilariously fun and swayed me to Night Fae from Kyrian.

Sorry JD. :frowning:

Haven’t got to try PvP yet, hoping to tonight.

MoP was really fun. I’ll die on that hill.


I was meaning more storyline. Mop and even the last patch of legion were pretty good.

Ardenweald wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be either. The blue parts of that zone is amazing.