Remember BFA’s prepatch? Every rogue (and their teammates) suddenly unlocked their inner 2k+ rated skills and got all the achievements.
I figured, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Horde one. I do the same thing
Nope. Didn’t play from the end of WoD till a few months into BfA.
I do remember past prepatches when I was playing my Paladin; Like the Wrath prepatch when I could kill things by sneezing on them and the cata pre patch where I was unkillable as a holy Paladin and the WoD prepatch where I could kill entire BGs just by pressing Starfall.
I still think it will be better and more fun than what we have now.
MooDruid is way older. I leveled BlueDruid this expansion. I just played more Ally than Horde this expac. When I came back all my allaince friends are on classic.
I haven’t touched my MooDruid for a very very long time
BfA spit on alliance. Hyped this faction war but it was really just an inner horde war with alliance on the sidelines. Our badazz king killed off in Legion and replaced by this “I can’t do it alone” child king.
Combine that with the crappy gearing, incessant grind and bad class design and I just lost interest.
I still haven’t bought SL but Uthers return was pretty awesome. If they do the same for Varian, I just might give it a shot.
To be fair there were a lot of horde not happy with it either. It’s why I played alliance this season. All my horde quit or faction swapped. Something about taking part in burning the world tree and then fighting to defend undercity while sylvanas turned our own fallen into undead? Also kinda just crapped on sylvanas. Bleh bfa.
Bleh bfa.
Ditto lol… Haven’t picked it up yet but the wc3 vibes are real lore wise. They did a pretty good job of showing the jailors link to our world. I’m a weird PvP lore nut.
Their art and cinematic teams put out great stuff.
Unfortunately, the actual gameplay…
Agreed horde had reasons for hating Sylvanas as well. I just didn’t expect alliance to be sidelined while horde fought it out. I was super hyped they were reigniting actual faction war instead of all of us holding hands to take on some evil entity. We ended up holding hands anyway even if the evil was one of their own!
I guess time will tell with me and SL. I haven’t ruled it out, but I also haven’t felt like I wanted to buy it. I’m very “meh” about it. I just want shadow, my favorite spec, to be fun again and it hasn’t felt that way in beta yet.
I haven’t heard much that would help me believe that SL PvP will be a much better experience than BFA PvP.
This close to release, it seems like we’re gonna end up with BFA PvP 2.0.
No azerite traits.
No essences.
No corruptions.
There’s three reasons right there.
They’re replacing borrowed powers with other borrowed powers.
Isn’t it cool that wrathion and golden boy are best buds though?
Yeah I feel like there was more faction war in wrath. They did it so much better.
Really?!? Abion was praising it lol… I’ve heard good things. Who knows though.
That makes me sad. PvP is what kept me on retail for years. BfA finally drove me away.
Have you read the book? Specifically the ending?
Nope… I haven’t read it yet. I really liked the bfa pre novel. Baine was actually kinda portrayed well. Is this one bad?
None of these are RNG or endlessly grindy.
Covenants have a weekly cap.
Conduits are specific loot tables and you’ll know where to find them.
Leggos are one per toon, specifically targetable, and we know where recipes will drop.
If you can’t see the difference between the three I listed and the three you listed well then I don’t know what to tell you.
To be fair, I really haven’t spent a lot of time playing it. Gotta shake this apathy for retail to give it a fair shot.
Guess we’ll see in a few months.
I don’t want to spoil anything but the this is probably their worst book. It’s a book written in 2020 with forced sexuality all through it. Some people may love it but I just didn’t care for it. The old school books didn’t have any of that regardless of your irl stance and they were all pretty good books. Warcraft use to be about war and not about each individual character’s sexual preference.
Anyway sorry for the rant. The only takeaway from the book is regarding “golden boy” at the very end. Outside of that, the book is a waste and does nothing for the story as a whole.
Sounds like I won’t be wasting my time. I loved “Before the Storm” and was hoping this one would be as good.