Meanwhile, it’s “hell on Earth” over here in Colorado
The sunset is red, sky is smoky/hazy all day long, the outside air has this awful “dry and dusty” feeling to it … even going outside for just 20 minutes starts to dry up your nose.
And the heat… the relentless heat, it’s 8:19 PM right now and according to the weather it’s still 83 degrees outside. Night-time is no escape either - if you open your window for any amount of time you will be woken up by coughing from inhaling smoke particles.
Haven’t been for my usual/daily outdoor walk in over a week since I have asthma, haven’t gotten much exercise at all.
Hopefully they round up/catch whoever started all these fires, have him publicly executed or something - the last week has not been fun at all
When you step outside it almost looks like a scene out of an apocalyptic movie or something, has a very “doom-y” feeling to it.
Shout out to Inemia, hope you’re doing alright brother
If setting the fire was intentional then I would support that.
If unintentional then they need to do community service by replanting every tree that was burned down. With their bare hands.
Good news - We can finally gtfo of BfA.
Bad news - SL is not going to be in a polished state.
All things considered, I just want to gtfo of BfA and hope they polish things with incremental patches after 9.0 launch. Hoping, but you know Blizzard…