BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Meanwhile, it’s “hell on Earth” over here in Colorado :man_facepalming:

The sunset is red, sky is smoky/hazy all day long, the outside air has this awful “dry and dusty” feeling to it :nauseated_face:… even going outside for just 20 minutes starts to dry up your nose.

And the heat… the relentless heat, it’s 8:19 PM right now and according to the weather it’s still 83 degrees outside. Night-time is no escape either - if you open your window for any amount of time you will be woken up by coughing from inhaling smoke particles.

Haven’t been for my usual/daily outdoor walk in over a week since I have asthma, haven’t gotten much exercise at all.

Hopefully they round up/catch whoever started all these fires, have him publicly executed or something - the last week has not been fun at all :roll_eyes:

When you step outside it almost looks like a scene out of an apocalyptic movie or something, has a very “doom-y” feeling to it.

Shout out to Inemia, hope you’re doing alright brother

If setting the fire was intentional then I would support that.
If unintentional then they need to do community service by replanting every tree that was burned down. With their bare hands.

I’m teleworking too but I think I’ve worked harder than I ever did in the office. No co-workers to distract me or something.

Spent a little more time on beta, still not feelin’ it. Maybe the fun starts when I hit 60 if I make it that far. I’m 54 now.

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Shawdowlands 10/27.

Means prepatch is coming soon.

September 22nd is my bet, only based on the fact that the last of the animated shorts for the 4 convenants releases on Sept 17th.

I’m going to second the 9/22 prepatch prediction. That’s been one of my predictions for a while now.

A month for prepatch seems like a goodish amount of time.

I’m down with 9/22

Well, I’ll pick 9/29 then.

The expansion is releasing weeks earlier than I expected.

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Good news - We can finally gtfo of BfA.
Bad news - SL is not going to be in a polished state.

All things considered, I just want to gtfo of BfA and hope they polish things with incremental patches after 9.0 launch. Hoping, but you know Blizzard…

Has Blizzard even begun serious testing/tuning of SL PvP yet?

I get the feeling they’ll just try to fix things on live and then tell us to wait for the 9.1 patch.

Doesn’t look like it.
Arcane mage is nutty.
Affy has some perma slow?
Slice and dice heals for nutty amounts.
Ret pallies heal for zero.

Savix put out a video crying for help. Was kinda sad to watch lol… Reminded me of enhance a lot :sob:


PvP season ending two week notice should be Sept 15.

PvP is going to be wild till January. I suggest healers not queue till then.

I was considering rising Sparkle Pally from his glorious, glittery ashes, like an amazing phoenix and I think I still will


The amount of serious exploits I’ve found on the beta already is alarming.

I’ve got my level 29 hunter beating level 60s in dps. My gem gear on my 87 (35 post squish) druid gets more agi from the gems than from the gear.

I deal more damage with ferocious bite than I have HP on my druid as well.

So many items with level restrictions (EG: Requires 109 or Below) haven’t been changed, so items that shouldn’t be used at max level will be usable.

Its chaos. I love squishes so much, so much flies under the radar.

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This will go well…


There’s no fear in this dojo Holycow.

Prepatch PvP is always perfectly balanced.


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Woah woah, did you faction change or just have a Horde Druid as well?

I have two Max level druids.

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