BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Don’t know if I’m buying it either. Waiting for prepatch to see if my toaster can handle it. Not investing in a new computer for wow.

I may have to go to classic. :rofl:



big hype

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jesus christ why is the wsg flag so f’ing small now? i can barely see it if someone’s on top of it

The northrend event hits hard in the feels. I’m going to love this even if it’s just flying around and killing a mob like the legion prelaunch event. Plus stomping nathanos into the ground after hearing his voice in seething shore. It’s already bad enough getting seething shore.

Lmao, it’s on the PTR now it looks really fun. They brought back the zombie controlled invasions in cities and it’s going to be chaos :laughing:

From a story perspective, it does make you wonder how it’s all going to stop when SL releases. Bolvar finding his mojo again or are we actually wiping out the undead (doubtful)

Guess who’s T3 again?

I started the initial quest chain on beta. It was semi-interesting. I’ll probably play around in beta next week. I am curious about the shadow changes.


Played around on beta last night. Dinged 51 on the final quest to leave the Maw. Looks like I’m leaving Anduin, Jaina, Thrall and Baine behind after breaking Anduin free and reviving Baine.

Shadow still feels awkward. Damage is good, great even, but voidform and insanity are still central to the spec. I’m going to play around with talents more, but I wasn’t impressed. I think I’ll try mage or Druid next and check out the horde perspective.

I like some of the new cosmetics and character customization though. The new zones are not bad so far. I’m liking Bolvar’s involvement too despite his freakish charbroiled look.

Did you give him mouth to mouth?

No, left that to Anduin. :wink:

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Ooooooh nice burn lol. Anduins in the corner crying now wtg

That burn was almost as harsh as the one sylvanas gave to the night elf’s.


That’s savage.

Not as savage as when the orcs used the Draenei as building material.

4 days, what is this madness?! Currently grinding rep for flying :’(

Barely clinging to rank 6. Rank decay sucks!

I’ve just been holding onto my Senior Sergeant title for some dope alliteration.

Senior Sergeant Socked reporting for duty!

I’d say I was disappointed in everyone and give y’all a stern over the glasses dad look, but I’m just as much at fault.

I was vacationing and haven’t logged in for almost 2 weeks now.

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I’m “teleworking”, but can’t actually do my job while teleworking. Sooo…it’s been game time yo.