BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Eh, some guy from Tich told me to. Seemed like a good idea.

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Well, another WSG where Alli snagged defeat from the jaws of victory. Sigh.

Gonna pull my hair out before I finish off my rep. lol

Flying really changes the dynamic of wpvp. Dropping out of the sky to kill some poor soul trying to finish a quest always leaves me feeling like I should apologize. I donā€™t, of course, because itā€™s just as likely to happen to me. :wink:

Shame on you.

Kidding. I usually land on a ledge and cyclo trinket laser beam them.

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Killed a panda the other night. I was like ā€œJD would be so proud.ā€


Meanwhile Iā€™m still hating on pandas, but have gotten them 4 times in a row on my Transmorpher toy.

such shameā€¦

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Thank you fam

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Whereā€™s that Classic hype?

@JD this is for you

No excuses!


Thanks! I will def watch that later.

When youā€™re not too busy? :rofl:

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Haha yes! I know I live on these forums but believe it or not I still manage to get work done lol. My last job kicked me off twitter(long story) and I never got into facebook so I need something to fill the void.

Just referencing the vid title, not judging haha. I spend way too much time on here myself. I did the rep grind here and got t3 instead of grinding rep in the game. Sometimes, forum PvP is more fun.

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Ah I see lol. I didnā€™t catch the reference til now.

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Even better when it turns your human female into a ā€¦ human female.

Woot Justicar baby!



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Thank you!!!

Got like 4 achieves in a row with that and not one person said grats, lol.


Thatā€™s a time consuming achievement for sure.

When I was working on Battlemaster and had one tower recap left in AV, I was in the process of recapping, all excited that it was almost over, and a priest pulled me right before I recapped. I was so pissed! :joy:


Ugh, I would have been too! Grats on Battlemaster. Nice.

Iā€™ve had exalted with Arathi and Stormpike and revered with SS like 5 years ago, but then I stopped playing for 5 years lol. I decided it was time. I will probably never specific queue WSG again though, haha.

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