BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Well best of luck anyway. Wow is my destresser from rl things. Once it stops doing that I take a break too.

My btag is looking more and more gray lol.

Time to go blue

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If you could convince the wife then I probably would at this point. Most that are still playing rn on my friends list is alliance.

She married a goblinā€¦there probably isnā€™t any reasoning with her!

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I hope all is well. Iā€™ve been taking breaks, awaiting Classic.


Take care Jar! Iā€™ve enjoyed our arguments here and the few games weā€™ve queued in game.


It was the goblin dance that wooā€™ed her.

Also big shout out to Zax for giving me a bear hug last night and let me tag along in his +10. Now my Tuesday box will be beautiful.


speaking of i need to talk my way into a +7

Tanks are a hot commodity right now. Sat in queue for over an hour before convincing zax to come tank a +7. I tell the group he will join us in a couple minutes but the leader decides to invite a ragnaros tank.

I will let you guess if we completed the dungeon or not.

I can heal easier because i never learned the pulls as tank.

Iā€™m kind of the opposite. Tanking PvE feels far easier to me than either healing or DPSing, even if I donā€™t know the most efficient pulls. As a tank you can figure it out on-the-go pretty easily. Whereas with a healer if you donā€™t know the pulls then the group could wipe pretty quicklyā€¦ especially if youā€™re stuck healing a Ragnaros tank who probably doesnā€™t even have AM on his bars :grimacing:

Heā€™d afk halfway through every pull including boss fights and then ask for suggestions after weā€™d wipe.

The poor guy from tich was about to blow a fuse.

ā€œLog off and go to youtubeā€ is my standard advice.
Thereā€™s absolutely no reason for a tank to enter M+ without at least having a general idea of what to do. Itā€™s disrespectful to the rest of the group and itā€™s a waste of everyoneā€™s time.

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I completely agree.

Itā€™s why I think that people can get too high of iL for the difficulty of content they are capable of doing. The guy had good enough gear to be there but didnā€™t have the capability to actually do the instance. Really heā€™d struggle on a 2 or 3.

It was meh whatever with world bosses in the past because it was a small chance every week. But adding on just doing 4 world quests and getting a base 415 with a chance to tf and LFR gear titanforging and also warfronts.

Edit: forgot to add benthic system. Itā€™s world questing yet gets you to 425 and higher for azerite pieces.

Apparently after I unsubbed and uninstalled (thanks for that advice, community), one of the Blizzard Founders followed suit. :thinking::scream_cat::scream::question:


Waitā€¦ Who are you really? Are you going to learn to play an instrument?

Best of luck man, will miss your level head.

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The community told you to uninstall? What?

Is your name irl name Frank by any chance?

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No thank God. Iā€™m sure there are great Franks out there, but I know only one IRL and heā€™s a turd.

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Best of luck @Jawarana! Our last meeting in BGs was the most fun. We arenā€™t going to see you in Classic at all?

The only way to truly quit is to give me all your stuff. Anyways good luck in the real world.