BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Grats! Your main horde or ally? Stop being shy on us.

I also watched your vid. It was a good watch and gave a lot of details for casuals on classic. But it fell short on recognizing people who play 5-10 hours a week being able to have a long enough play session to actually go into a raid and all. It still answered the pvp rank question on how far I can get type of thing though.

Raiding really isnā€™t the best part of Vanilla. The leveling was the real fun for me. The community is really cool when youā€™re leveling. Everything being harder really forces that sense of comradery where you donā€™t mind helping people because you constantly need help yourself.

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The community aspect is really cool because people actually care but what I was saying is in regards to the video linked. Tips discusses what players who play 5-10 hours a week can accomplish but he went at thinking those players will have the ability to play 5-10 hours in one or two sittings and itā€™s not realistic for a lot of people.

Tips is a fraud.

Also this was a funny clip from a ele sham streamer, celebrated too early :scream:

2 hours 8 mins and 53 seconds if time stamp doesnā€™t work. :sweat_smile:

Haha! How did the mage get back to there? Did he blink in time?

Thank you! I mostly play Alliance, so any time Iā€™ve actually had a main, itā€™s been alli. I donā€™t currently have one, probably not really since Cata (and back then I was raiding on my pally). Then MoP was the only time I really played rated PvP, and I was splitting time between rdruid and disc. I only did arena to help people gear, never got to push.

After MoP I left, until recently. Never did a new main. Never got BfA. Just wasting time until Classic. Figured Iā€™d finish up some stuff. Hereā€™s the one I got the achieve on:

She was my random PvP toon, even leveled mostly bgs.

Have I seen your main? I canā€™t remember what it was if so.

I donā€™t really follow streamers, but someone told me this was a good one for people wondering if they should play Classic. I thought it might be worth a look.

I swap mains too often. I feel like I have to or I quit the game. Right now itā€™s this guy.

Iā€™m like you and have always played arena to gear friends (and sell 2s wins for gold) and have never tried pushing. Freddy and I tried at the very end of bfa season 1 and made it to 1800. I think we could have pushed a little higher if we had more time. So this season I am going to set my goal to 2k for the first time lol. Hopefully I can accomplish it before classic comes out.

I use to play my rogue & hunter a lot but wod started the downward trend of their log in time. My last two alts/mains were boomy and dh.

Hereā€™s my alliance pally I played the last couple weeks of season 1 on with Freddy.

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Yeah, I think I saw you mention playing ret lately, now that you mention it. My memory isnā€™t that good haha.

My highest rbg rating was 2k. Kinda kicked myself for not sticking to one character, but I switched if needed. I would have liked to push in arenas, but being heals and being the newest person on the team, I just helped people cap. The RBGs were so much fun, I was okay with that.

My old toons may or may not even have proper talents set lol or good gear. I just fart around. I couldnā€™t really get into the new content, so I really havenā€™t bothered trying to do much or to pick a main. Came back and started making twinks, but you know how that went. So, I leveled a couple toons from MoP through PvP, thought Iā€™d finish a couple of achievements, etc.

Just having fun, doing what I want instead of doing chores, until Classic launch.

Name of the game right there.

To add though, setting goals and such has put a renewed interest in me that I havenā€™t felt since mop. There is so much broken crap in pvp right now and none it really bothers me. Just having fun with it.

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Yep, finishing the achieves keep me subbed.

No lie. Most of the time, Iā€™m the same way. As long as the games are fun, Iā€™m mostly okay, win or lose. I was getting a little frustrated toward the end of WSG rep grind though when people just ignored objectives.

ā€œEFC counts as an HK too!!ā€ Aaaaggh. :rofl:

I should try to get more honor level now, I reckon. Didnā€™t play Legion and came back on lowbies, *and specific queued a lot of WSG) so itā€™s very low. People look at that instead of things like bloodthirsty and Justicar now lol.

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Just as a benchmark (pathetic as it may be) ā€¦

Tomten still uses the Centurion title because thatā€™s the highest he got in vanilla PvP.

He wasnā€™t level 60 yet when they changed the system, and I only had about six hours a week to play, in blocks of two hours or less.

Thatā€™s reassuring tbh.

Yeah I blinked in time ahaha


Hacks, imo.

For the record, there were 3 elementals in that EotS.

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Omg I didnā€™t pay attention to the name til now. Ha clutch move man.

Hey you mess with tiq youā€™re gonna have to answer to me!

:joy::joy: awesome! He called you insane too

Btw folks, one week until Iā€™m officially a ā€œMrsā€ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: This month has been a whirlwind and not as much a wow month for me, but damn, Iā€™m so excited!!


Will there be an in game wedding we can attend?

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I didnā€™t think Kangatheorc had it in him to ask you. Grats! If no in-game wedding we can all coordinate a drink on discord cheers