BG forums lounge (Part 1)

doesnt the quest give a 430?

Yes, and I got a 430 cape. Just was wishing that forged to higher but it’s my highest piece now besides the neck.

OH…I read the other post as you wished an item had dropped for you…proc upgrade didnt register in my mind. My b!

It’s friggin hot.



I still haven’t put my pants back on from physical therapy.

I took my first steps without support today. Last time I did that was in May.


Another day where I sacrifice my lung health for the glory of air conditioning, and its still hotter than the Firelands.

I know, I’ve been doing gold runs with a group of friends for a bit now.

We’re getting to the point where keying 12s is a matter of just cleaning up some pulls and getting a few larger pulls done.

The weekly change of where the emissaries are will be annoying but manageable.

Nice man, how long until you can start walking/exercising again?

Not sure really. The dr said some people recover faster than others. I just try to do my at home pt like clockwork and never skip.


Every day is leg day.

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Hey guys. Haven’t been around the forums in a few days, and those of you I have on Battletag might have noticed I’ve been offline for about the same amount of time.

I have decided to step away from the game. Might be permanent.


Take care bro

Stay inside, it’s hot out :laughing:

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Sorry to hear that. I only came back a few months ago, but I remember you (on the forums) from way back.

I hope all is well. Best wishes.

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Hope all is well jar.

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I’ll have flying tomorrow and then I’m retiring from doing dailies for the rest of the expansion.

Might be dumb questions but what is the point of grinding honor? Second question is I’ve seen people with full pvp sets already, how does one do this, the conquest cap is weekly I thought?

I usually don’t help pandas but…

Get to 1800 rating and you get the full elite set. For the basic set you just pvp and get rng drops for the full set.

People are grinding 15k/50k honor for essence ranks. Other than that, honor is just for cosmetic items.

This would be hard to get?

Thank you, I thought it was entirely congestive and thought that higher honor level meant you would be put against others with the potential same level.

Depends on who you ask. Some will say its cake and others say its a challenge. The only thing I can tell you is just get in there and try it out.

There are only two brackets… One for really low honor levels and the other for ones higher up. I can’t remember what it is. I’m guessing 30.

Personally I would just like to get that 250K HK 100 achievement point achieve some day. Probably one of the longest grinds in the game.

Haha, now isn’t exactly the right time to rediscover the outdoors is it?


Oops looking at my post it looks kind of ominous. That’s what I get for being direct and hasty. Again. Personality fault I guess.

Oh for a while now l I’ve just been trying to find my place in the shadow of yet another guild/circle of friend collapse, and had that question in the back of my mind of what I want from this game and what to do to get it. Kind of come up somewhat empty on the answers, but I had an open mind.

Queued for the Ahran brawl on Wednesday was it? Got cucked out of the boss kill because that’s what Ashran does.

No big deal it’s just Ashran right?

Well I queued again because of some completionist thing. Before it even popped, I asked myself “why am I doing this?” And dropped queue.

Then I said “well I’ll go farm Nazjatar crystals” then asked myself why?

Came up with a few other ideas I also wrote off with “why?”

I came back from a long beak during WoD prelaunch, it wasn’t until WoD was really rolling that I started playing hard and Ashran was the cause of me coming to the forums for the first time in something like a decade.

I guess it is kind of a fitting bookend. You could look at Ashran as being the alpha and the omega.

I love this game but I’m over a lot of stuff. Who knows, maybe they’ll lure me back. Always a risk.

I guess you can post after your account is expired so maybe I can pop in to be annoying? Can’t let the Alliance thinking they’re entitled to anything can I?

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