BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Seriously tho yeah 2 hours a night is rough

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Lol I am still going to play it but the hype isnā€™t what it was for me.

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Feel like they waited too long :expressionless:

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I almost just want to get ready for tbc in classic lol. You know they will likely release one and let us character copy.

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Oh man I remember being able to make whatever toon you wanted on the test server and having all the max gear. There was so much crazy wpvp lol

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That almost made me spit out my lemonade.

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Lol itā€™s true though. I donā€™t think the dk ever healed over 100k and they went him first 8 out of the 10 games. He couldnā€™t find his death strike key but he should could type ā€œjajajaā€ three times a match. The timing of it was random too. Iā€™d notice they would kite 10-15 yards away from him and his character wouldnā€™t be moving. Then ā€œjajajajaā€ would show up in chat and he would charge at them again.

Maybe he had cheat codes.

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jajajaja is a cheat code. Its my pandarenā€™s battle cry. Adds 14 wep dmg.

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I never knew you could say so many gross things in so few of words.


(complete sentence blizzard)


(also totally complete sentence?)


Had a 438 Boomkin apply to one of my +10 groups tonight :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Patch isnā€™t even 10 days old :joy: Some of these guys are just on a whole other level, good times :+1:

Iā€™m enjoying myself, getting carried is so much fun :upside_down_face:

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i havent even had time to work on gearing so im just rolling with what i have/get.

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Step-by-step process:

  1. get raider io addon if you donā€™t already have it
  2. push your key to a 10 or 11 (demand for 10/11 keys is insane right now)
  3. list it, look for the 2k+ Season 2 raider io players and 425+ iLvL on the applicant list
  4. enjoy free carries/430+ gear

:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

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Pretty much this.

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Ally side puts you under a microscope when you apply to things because the pool is limited. Iā€™ve had people immediately leave my group after joining and laugh at my IO. Getting a decent IO in a casual guild is like pulling teeth.

Heroic Warfronts, aka The Waves of Trash Mobs, seemed easy enough. Wish I got the 430 to proc but w/e.

This is the tricky part for most people. Itā€™s like soloqueue rated dungeons, itā€™s gonna be a grindfest unless you luck out and get a solid group together.

Thankfully early season itā€™s easy to find a lot of people willing to grind and push keys. Iā€™m hoping this weekend to push all of my keys to 10-11+.

Do it, itā€™s absolutely worth the small time investment to push your key to a 10 or 11, trust me.

I know I keep harping on this, but 10/11 keys are just selling like hot cakes right nowā€¦ demand is thru the roof :open_mouth:

Just follow my instructions ^ above, youā€™ll see :wink:

The quality of players that you get to pick from increases greatly once you get to 10+, itā€™s a night and day difference in gear/skill level from what I see. So far Iā€™m spamming 10s/11s every single night this week, Iā€™m having fun :+1: