BG forums lounge (Part 1)

My father had active service in WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam, Silver Star a few ARCOMs and such but no Purple Hearts.

He lived to retire. So, war apparently isn’t bad for your health.

Or perhaps personal stories about individual cases don’t trump statistics.

Who knows?

I never said it wasn’t bad for your health.

People who don’t read the whole conversation certainly don’t know :wink:

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I finally got the blood of the enemy essence last night on my latest reroll. I created my own island expedition group and said “Need big dam”. I got a 427 ret and a 426 hunter. I told them to just out pve them and we did. We doubled their score lol.

Is there a way to track progress to rank 2 and 3 of the honor grind?

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Check the achieves needed and click track on the achieve.


Dare you’re my hero.

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Not all heroes wear capes my friend.


Some wear pink monacles and have long sharp teeth…and fleas.


It’s magenta!

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Normally I would make a dog joke but the guy literally just helped me.

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Phase one of the take over with being extremely likable is a success!

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If anyone wants to run some horde 2s (or 3s) with a ret hmu. I play 8-10pm cst most nights. Double dps, healer/dps, tank/dps. I don’t really care at my mmr right now.

Swipe right on my wow tinder profile plz.

I yolo’d with a dk last night that couldn’t speak any english. The social challenge was almost as fun as the arena/game challenge. Him stopping mid fight to type jajajaja started to become funny. Went 7-3 with him at least.

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I saw you playing og tribbie on ally and I was like nooo his horde career has already ended. And I was thinking Juga probably ran you off.

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I have been running with SPM on Wed/Fri but otherwise I have been trying to play both droods Wed-Sat nights.

Corn wants to run arenas with my pally and his warrior, are alliance arenas a no deal for you?

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Yea I can see what I can do. My horde pal is 413 iL is all with about 200 mana pearls lol. I think my ally pal is still behind around 390 and I don’t think has unlocked mecha yet.

I will see if I can catch him up and get him out of noob status.

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That’s where I am at lol, maybe I should gear up the DK if you have a pally :open_mouth:

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But then again, classic is like a month away so maybe not too much effort lol


The dk and my ret wrecked in 2s. Granted we were wrecking noobs but we still killed a couple priests and rdruids.

I’m honestly getting cold feet about it. After running mechagon for 3.5 hrs last weekend, it’s changing my mindset a little. With just 2 hours a night to play, I don’t know how much I will get to accomplish.