BG forums lounge (Part 1)

No, it does not. That’s not how the body works.
Fast food may have more trans-fat content clogging your arteries over a period of time, but the macronutrients in general are still being utilized by the body as they should be.

One per week will certainly have a larger likelihood of a negative effects compared to one per month :+1:

I’m a fan of Wendy’s bacon cheeseburgers.
Sadly, the Wendy’s near me relocated due to long-term construction projects at the University.

Still, that was the 90s.

Glad to know my taco bell runs are still working as an unclog agent.

It does that? I’m sooo getting a cheesy Gordita crunch tomorrow.

Beefy 5 layer for me.

Chased by a large mtn dew.


I used to like those but lately, they put more beans in them and that’s all I taste. :frowning:

I feel like this is grounds for murder tbh. That sounds so awful. Smelly things stick to smoke so hard, you could probably taste it for hours.

Yeah my story was in the 90’s too. Just we had no Spencer’s until after that, I guess they’ve been around since the 60’s. I always assumed they came into existence when the one by me opened, that’s teenage mentality for you.

Makes me think of the interview scene with Seth Rogan in “Step Brothers”. “I can taste it… on my tongue. Ketchup and onions…”. :frowning:

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Yeah I was full of regret after that happened. It was one of the few times a product undersold what it did. It was right at the dinner table that she lit that up, too. So we had poogas in the air for a day or two.

The cigarette itself looked hilarious, it was all curled up and greenish brown like a cartoon.


I think if my kid did that to me I’d be angry for a while, but would end up thinking they were only doing it to try (foolishly) to get me to quit and be fine with it.

What did he die from? 60 is kinda young to go

I got a soft taco with sour cream and cheesy fiesta potatoes on my dinner break last night. Just had a weird Taco Bell urge which happens a couple times a year. I felt bad after though.

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We don’t know. He went peacefully in his sleep but unsure of time frame tbh. My parents own a summer house in N.H. so my mom is there all summer. He was semi retired but went home to work a few days a week. On day two of him not showing up to work, his coworkers called my mom and she said to go over and check and that’s when they found him. My parents weren’t the type that had to talk on the phone every day so that’s that. It all just really sucked but hey, life isn’t fair

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If that happened to me (I don’t smoke but something similar), I’d release it was my own fault for creating a monster. :scream:
(and I’d be secretly proud)

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That’s so sad jug. At least he went peacefully.


Speaking of RNG… that throwaway Human Pally alt that I used to grind Pathfinder?? He just got a 455 titanforge belt from the weekly M+ cache :roll_eyes:

strong RNG Blizzard :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

It’s like they know which characters you’re not caring about.

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They got to be trolling or something, it’s almost like the system “knows” :joy:

So a Human Pally alt that I only played to grind Pathfinder…

Blizzard: “here, have a 455 titanforge”

Me: but I don’t want a 455 on this inactive toon :expressionless:

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Had a similar occurrence on my alt druid that I barely play a couple weeks ago.
Got a 420 staff from a weekly PvP quest while my main rogue was struggling to get higher than 375 daggers.
I’m just like ‘aww come on man’.